
How can you improve your strength for paddling when surfing?

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Can not go to the beach everyday because live on Florida's Gulf coast.Can only go about once a week if lucky.




  1. If you live on the Gulf Coast why can't you still just go out and paddle.  I take out my longboard sometimes during the summer when it's flat and just paddle for exercise.

  2. Cardio, Cardio, Cardio.   I live 3 hours from the coast now, so I know how it is to spend less time in the water than you want.  The best thing is to build your endurance.  

    Like everyone else said, Swimming is the best way, but don't discount running and lifting weights.  Focus on shoulders and triceps for paddling strength.  Core exercises will also help keep your balance in store.

  3. I dont think swimming really helps. (twisting the torso when you need strait torso- head up, arms stay on side of body....)

    But lying on your front, head down, on an inclined bench, and incline enough so its hard on your abs, will give you the same effort as on a board.

    And finally pulling weights down (any way you want).

  4. Like some of the others have said, swimming. I was swimming in the ocean years before I started surfing at 14. Swimming is the best conditioning for surfing. I don't get to swim anymore, but I do work out with weights, seated military presses and dumbell benches. I can't say that these are the best, but this is what has worked for me, for 42 years. Of course you may end up a fat, bald guy who drinks too much too, so maybe you better  find your own workout regimen.

  5. Swimming is really good. Also, any exercise in a gym that exercises your lats (Latissimus dorsi) and triceps.

  6. swimming laps, lifting weights

  7. work on upper arm strength by lifting weights

  8. work out your upper body.

  9. I do a lot of shoulder circuit exercises with dumbbell weights.  stand with wieghts in both hands, lift forward, and then to the side.  this works on strengthening all those little muscles in you shoulders

  10. try swimming laps in a pool since that is essentially what you're doing when you're out in the ocean. you can also try lifting weights.

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