
How can you install a seam binder on carpet laid on a concrete slab foundation?

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I have some damage at the seam in my bedroom doorway thanks to my cat. I need to fix it to get him to leave it alone. I thought I could just use those metal strips but the nails just go straight to the concrete and bend. Is there any other product I could use? Or something else that could be done (aside from replacing the carpet) to stop the unraveling and seal the seam to prevent further kitty damage? Thanks for any suggestions.




  1. Instead of nailing the metal strip, get plastic inserts with screws. You'll need to get the proper size masonery drill bit to drill the holes. Insert the plastic insert and s***w it in.

  2. Sounds like you are tring to repair a "thresh-hold" on your floor covering.  You are correct in the fact of using a metal strip BUT; sometimes these will drive into the concrete and sometimes they won't.  It all depends on the age and hardness of the concrete.  Sometime, the nail just won't drive.  Don't think that you are doing something wrong.  Sometimes it "just won't work".  

    In the event that you would like to use the metal strips as an option; you can use them with anchoring alternatives.... such as Tapcon (concrete anchors) or liquid adhisive.  You should discuss your damages with your local home improvement warehouse (carpet department).  They can advise you of proper materials for repair.  

    Worst a local carpet company or handyman service.  Most of these companies will give you a free estimate.  Atleast, at that point, you can discuss the repair process and cost with a professional.  If you can take thier advice and make the repairs yourself... the "more power to you".

    Just remember, a professional will come over, look at the damage, and discuss repair options with you for FREE most of the time.  

    Take advantage of the this.  Don't be afraid to call a pro and talk it out.  You DON'T have to hire them.  Just let them know that their estimate is too high and you are not willing to pay that amount at this time.  

    You WILL gain enough knowledge to make the repair yourself OR hire the proper professional at the lowest price.

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