
How can you justify Sarah Palin EVER being president!?

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Lets see:

1. She has ONCE left the USA. Tell me how she would fare well in foreign politics?

2. She is SO anti-abortion however, forgive me if i'm wrong but isn't it Mr Obama who is proposing to create a welfare state to support those mothers who choose NOT to get an abortion? When a poor 17 year old who is NOT her daughter chooses to keep a baby, I was just wondering if she was going to fork out for that kid too, or just her own?

3. When her 17 year old daughter gets pregnant, she does not even AKNOWLEDGE the fact that she should have taught her daugher about birth control, and still maintains her abstinance only s*x education view, when she has evidence it doesn't work in her own HOME.

I cannot think of any more reasons to add right now, but can you please tell me that given Mr McCain is 72, and has a slightly higher chance of um, not being around anymore, how can you trust a woman who has only ever governed a village of 9000, with an ENTIRE COUNTRY, when it is highly possible that she might one day be in charge of an ENTIRE COUNTRY - the most powerful country in the world!

I needed to get this out. No fanatical religious replies please- I am not talking about religion- I am talking about politics.




  1.   How can you not?

      If she had been an unknown male, with the same qualifications, no one would have said one word. (Besides the normal digging and back biting of course).

      I don't know why it is such a threat to people ( men and women alike) for a woman to hold a high office. Women have been governing other countries for hundreds of years with little more than birthright . And very successfully I might add.

      Hillary had much more experience than Obama. What did it gain her?

      I think it's high time that the republican party was represented by some "real" people. It's a welcomed change seeing experience, and determination not back down from "business as usual".

      I'm not a "die hard" anything,but unless I change my mind, I'm leaning toward McCain.

       There's still alot of crazy people in the world, and I'm not at all sure of Obama's position. I can't help but wonder if he might be somewhat understanding/ or sympathic towards cultures similiar to that  in which he was educated.

      Getting back to your question, Any woman that can cope and keep it together with all of her everyday responsiblities, and can rise, prosper, and suceed in politics, has already achieved many skills necesary to take control "IF" that should ever be neccesary.

    As far as I'm concerned, Pregnancy has no place in goverment, It's a family/medical issue.

    I cannot see how abortion could ever be outlawed,because it is sometimes a medical nescessity.

      It does make me sick to see some use it  continually as a form of birth control, And I definetly couldn't see ending the life of any fetus that had any chance of living outside of it's mother. There are just to many chances to be responsible before these points.





  2. Well, the fact that she JUST got her passport last year and has been out of the country ONCE In her entire life alone speaks volumes about her inexpereince.  

  3. The Barak Bin Biden team has not even goverened a Cub Scout Troup.  That is why Sarah is vastly more qualified to lead than they are.

  4. how can you justify Obama=for president what has he done .remember most senators and congressmen vote on policy who pays the most from lobbyist so that's leadership .

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