
How can you justify abortion?

by Guest57041  |  earlier

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I'm no radical Christian, but I still don't see how anyone can justify abortion, i guess i can see like within a few days abortion or even at the latest a couple weeks, but when a little baby starts to form, i just cant see how you cant say that it is human...




  1. Some people will think a baby is not human even after it's born.

    Like the one lady who microwaved her kid.

  2. No one has any right to the body of another. That includes a fetus, zygote, grown man or woman, whatever. If a woman doesn't consent to the use of her body, then there is really no way to justify NOT allowing abortion.  

  3. If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one!

  4. well what about teenage girls?

    what if some perv rapes her?

    she's already gone through being raped/molested

    why should she have to go through giving birth too?

  5. Well, if it can live on it's own than let it...Otherwise, that fetus is **** up a creek!  

  6. I can't see how you can justify it either.

    There is a consequence for every action, whether the consequence be good or bad in your eyes.

    If you get pregnant, I think you were meant to bring that child into the world, maybe even for someone else.

    I was placed for adoption when I was 3 1/2 weeks old. I'm so grateful I have the chance to live.  

  7. I agree with you on the timing. After a few days or weeks the embryo is nothing more than a mass of cells. The only other way to justfy a late abortion is if the child has no chance of survival.  

  8. Natural abortions (spontaneous miscarriages) happen all the time.

    People are natural beings. Everything we do is natural.

    So why should grown pregnant women wishing to abort an embryo/fetus that is feeding off their bodies - they're parasites technically - not be allowed to do so? What's the difference?

    It IS a human in the women's bodies, but why should it live if the woman doesn't want to go through the entire process of pregnancy? Why should the fetuses have a right overriding that of the pregnant women?

  9.                There's no way in this world I could ever have an abortion.  It's murder no matter if is only a"mass of cells", it's forming a baby.  And that alone  to me would make it murder. To me, it's only an excuse for people to  have s*x and when they get pregnant,they take the easy way out,have an abortion. I'd better hush,I could write a book on this!!!

  10. You can't.

    But it's up to those women...

  11. honestly u cannot unless the mother is in danger.

    we need to control our selves. if we do not want kids or cannot raise them do not have s*x.

  12. I believe abortion is a murder.

  13. If the abortion is necessary.

    But you almost have to envy those little guys, free tickets to heaven.

  14. It is justifiable because the life that has been present in the body existed before the body and will still exist after the body expires.  The unborn are no different.

  15. Cells do not = baby.

    And if it can't survive on its own outside the mother, it's out of luck.  

  16. The same ways you justify interference in someones personal life. They used to have a word for it. "Communism," but since the fall of Russia and the end to the cold war seems religious peoples have taken over this trait of telling others how "they" want them to live. Abortion is a "personal" decision which should have never gone before the public eye. It is a decision between the woman and her doctor. Religious peoples talk about peace and love yet are the biggest contributors to war and hate ALL based on personal interference of how others live. I only have one thing to say to the religious. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

  17. I don't justify abortion--I would never have one or encourage someone else to have one.

    However I don't have the right to tell someone else that they can't have one, or to require them to justify to me their need for one.

    That's basically what "Pro-Choice" means.

  18. The little baby starts to form at the moment of conception.  His/her heart is already beating before the mother knows she is pregnant.

  19. nO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT ITS MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I can justify it because if I have an abortion, its none of your business and is my legal right.

  21. We have enough babies being born as it is.

  22. if the baby wont be properly taken care of its better for the baby to have never lived than to lived a horrible life and we cant stop abortion we can just make it safe  

  23. Uggo babbys, Food Babbys, Ectopic Pregnancy, and Rape/Incest babbys.



  24. I can justify it because personally, if I were a fetus and knew I was going to be born to some girl silly enough to not utilize proper safe s*x skills, I wouldn't want to be born at all. Especially if my mother were some sort of drug addict w***e.

    Also, if every pregnancy resulted in a child, we'd run out of room on this little world a whole lot faster. And I wouldn't want my child born into a cramped, underfed world.

  25. It should be up to the individual to justify abortion for themselves.  Our role as a society should be to ensure that it is a safe and legal choice and that we encourage proactive prevention.

  26. think of it this way, would you rather the baby die while it doesnt have any coherent thoughts or would you rather it grows up being abused and neglected by its parents?


  27. Well, if a woman is pregnant and her dr tells her that there is a major problem that can';t be corrected and she will die unless she aborts the baby.  What would you do in that situation?  Just sit around and a few months later die trying to bring what would like be a still-born child into the world?

  28. it's not a baby until it's capable of living outside its mother's womb.  up until that moment, it is a part of the woman's body, and it's her decision what to do with it.

  29. I can justify it because I don't want to die in the process, thankyou.

  30. It's not a question of whether it is human.  It is a question of whether the fetus's life is more important than the mother's (as it will affect her for the rest of her life).  I respect both opinions, but I don't think we have the right to outlaw abortion when so many people don't think the fetus is as important as the mother.

  31. I bet you have no trouble justifying it when the mothers life is in danger

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