
How can you keep yourself from slitting your wist and killing yourself?

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I have tried everything. I have had a physiological exam, they didn't see anything wrong except that i don't trust adults because i have been let down too much.




  1. You know what? so many people out there have it so much worse than just are too self centered to look around. Why do you choose to even look in the direction of death?  for some, happiness seems to come easier than for not measure yourself by what they appear to be...accept that your lot in life is not the same as theirs and start climbing that mountain!!!! you may spend your entire life climbing that dammed thing, and you will slip back sometimes, but it is worth it. Look for the things that bring you happiness and figure out how to enjoy them as often as you can. Take a trip to a 3rd world country and see how well your life is. h**l, you can find so much misery choose betterment....

  2. talk to a school councellor.  im serious.  you are a hazzard to yourself.  i am the same way, and i know that if i talked to a school councellor things would be different.  please, help yourself.

  3. Try Prayer. God always wants you to talk to him and ask for his help. I suffered depression for over 20 years when people did not talk about such stuff. Asking God and just knowing he hears me and cares for me has helped immensely.

  4. Dear Kayla, please what ever you do. Don't hurt yourself! Please see your family doctor or better, go to emergency at your local hospital and tell them that you are seriously thinking of killing yourself but hang on in there. I promise your life will be so worth living! I am so sorry adults have let you down and your heart is aching so much right now, but with the right medical and psychotherapy intervention you can be helped successfully and your life will get soooo much better and the pain you now feel WILL subside. I've being there, I got helped and life is now beautiful, but I got helped. Hang on darling and please don't hurt yourself ;-))

    A BIG Squeezed hug to you Kayla,


  5. Go talk to someone and open up to your friends. Theres no point of ending it all. You not only end it all but you upset everyone who knows and loves you.Suicide isn't the only option. Tyr joining some teams and letting go of the past.  

  6. im srry dont do that because that would hurt me if you hurt urself try talking to someone about it u can tlk to me about anything

  7. i second this question, i have the same problem. for cutting, snap a rubberband at your wrist or let an ice cube sit on your wrist. it hurts but doesnt leave a mark

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