
How can you knock yourself out

by  |  earlier

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i want to knock myself out, i want to know how to do it and the best way to do it




  1. Knock your head against a wall. I'd recommend doing it when there's other people around though (or better yet not doing it at all).

    There are programs where you can be a research subject for weed. Smoke what they give you and you may sleep arright.

  2. Please be careful and do not hurt yourself.

  3. It's pretty hard to do safely.  The pass-out game and auto-erotic asphyxiation kill people all the time.  Maybe you should take up bowling.

  4. why wud u wanna knock urself out? u cud end up doing sumthing worse then u intended. u shouldnt do it.

    ...or wait 5 years,, then think about it if u still wanna do it

  5. Drink a half a bottle of 151. Maybe more, depending on tolerance. You might not live by the way, if you don't have a tolerance and can't handle 151 proof. So you might wanna be careful. Lol

  6. I wanted to do this before- i only wanted to see what it was like to faint. but i studied on it and realised you can kill yourself in alot of ways doing that. so i suggest you dont do it. plus i had surgery once and you know anesthesia knocks you out cold as ice and i didnt even know i was out till i woke up. plus you lose brain cells and you can never get brain cells back!!!! think about all the risks you are taking against your health!!!!!!

  7. Work hard ; action produce results\

    plz answer mine:

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