
How can you know that someone is your?

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  1. When you meet someone who makes you smile so hard, that your face starts to hurt from smiling sooooo long.

    @ Aloha ya Sailor, lol.

  2. It is all inside no one can describe this feeling when u decide that finally u won't leave that person and u r all ready to scarify allot only to see her smile

    u r ready to live the rest of ur life with her without any complaining how hard ur path till u will arrive this stage

    u r ready for everything to be with her

    u pray to ALLAH to be urs

    and she also feel all that:)


  3. welcome back farah miss u really

    i think its a feeling it deffer from one to another so it dosent have rules or steps or something like that to know if he\she is your soul mate so its hard to give exact answer but i'll give you some word it dosent matter to be as you may be she\he complete you  

  4. when you become cRazY about him.

  5. when u feel that u r flying with him/her

    when u feel strange new feelings when u r near to him/her

    when u wish u could met him/her long time ago

  6. i guess that you just know. you realize it by doing ordinary things with and without him/her and you see how different everything seems with him. when you always want to be with him, just spending time, no need of talking. just be happy and content because he is here. when you can talk about everything and completely understand what he's saying, even if you doesn't agree but still respect his opinion - and him doing the same. when you would do anything for him and go anywhere for him. when you love him more than you love yourself,...

  7. U'll just know it !!!!!!!!!

  8. When you would do almost anything to make that person happy. When you feel that sacrificing some things for them are worth it.

    When they can steal your attention with a glance.

    When you imagine loving them even when you both are old and gray.

    When their voice is like music to your ears.

    This person knows how to communicate with you or at least you both are willing to find anyway possible to communicate well.

    You feel proud to know them, they feel proud to know you

    You look to them first even when surrounded by others

  9. Well, I have been looking for my soul-mate for a loooooong time ago. But didn't find anything and I guess I would never find such a person who I can spend the rest of my life with. No one I know suits me and I can't be with someone that doesn't make me feel home.

  10. y3ny eh soulmate?

  11. I think it is just a feeling you get and you know this is THE ONE . Not just "chemistry" but more than that, it is how you feel around that person, like you understand each other even without talking, you feel comfortable enough to be silent and still enjoy each other's company, you smile without knowing why and you think about the little things that are nothing but everything at the same time, you feel what they feel and want to share your all with them, you don't have to share the same interests or have much in common yet you just "click" together ... so many little things building up that I can't put in words really, just a whisper from soul to soul knowing they are twins :)


    you really had me thinking after answering this. I don't want to write volumes here but I just realized it does not have to be the one you fall in love with and marry, it is not just the heart, but the mind and soul ... really like that myth, your literal other half that you search for in order to feel whole again.

  12. ur askin a tough one dude   but ull now in time , u jst have to wait nd have faith.........

  13. When we click together!

  14. when you feel you can spend the rest of your life with him/her .

    when the chemistry is alright .

  15. When you can fly over sea, valleys and mountains just for find her some short few minimum in the space of the time and know that you ever will find her.

  16. -When there's a connection that you have never felt before

    -When it feels good thinking about spending the rest of your life with that person (and don't feel like you're going to vomit - this has happened to me before and that was a hint that they were not the one for me)

    -When you can understand each other very well

    -When you enjoy every moment with the person and it feels so natural/comfortable to be with them

    -You feel like you can just be yourself

    -When they can read your actions and/or your mind so well (this happens to me so many times that sometimes it scares me) :-)

  17. i agree with Lily of the Valley

    it is about feeling of contentment and inner peace as you are integrated with your self again.

  18. when your heart feels good an you dont stop smiling  

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