
How can you learn to speak quietly?

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I am often told that I speak to loudly. I am a friendly and somewhat high energy person but would like to learn to speak more quietly. I know that people find loud people annoying, and I will even admit I find really loud people annoying but it is not as easy to change as some people think. No I don’t have a hearing problem and I’m not doing it for attention. My whole family is loud and to be honest I would have no idea I was loud except people often point it out to me… which makes me realize it’s a problem. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can monitor my volume better and change my boisterous ways.




  1. I too have this problem but for different reasons (I'm deaf in one ear).  The way I judge is by listening to my friends and then making sure my level is at there's.  The key is to be conscious and aware when you are speaking.  It's so easy when you're just talking to be loud but if you think before speaking then you're more likely to better control your voice and after awhile of training yourself your voice will most likely soften.

  2. Practice in front of a mirror.  Seriously, practice makes perfect.  Try to get someone to help you and speak out loud in front of theM to guage the volume.  Take speech classes or join a debate team.  GOOD LUCK!

  3. i don't think you need to change your personality according to your surroundings. Be yourself.

  4. Yes, you can. Next time you're with friend and they say you're speaking to loudly, pay attention to how your voice felt. You can measure how loud you are by paying attention to your voice.

  5. It is something that you have to consciously overcome.  Also, do not try to be the first speaker in a conversation  People that crowd the conversation can be considered loud.

  6. A lot of it is due to how you were brought up  - in you lived in a `loud` family environment, you know no better.

    Some of it is due to your nature.  Most `quiet` people have always been quiet.

    Yes, you could change if you  really want to.  You must make a conscious effort every time you speak to speak slower, calmer, and quieter.  If you persist it will become second nature, a habit.

  7. Just be more conscious of how you speak

  8. try not talking. write notes on sheets of paper. develop a 2 for no, 1 for yes, foot stomp system.

  9. Can you PLEASE let me know if you solve this, cos my brother has the same problem and thinks that his BELLOWING is speaking and that his speaking is whispering. I think its cos of 7 years in a boys' boarding school, but it does my head in.

  10. Good Lord. YES

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