
How can you let children live with this?

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My husband has 2 kids with his ex girlfriend. She is living in NY and we are in FL. She has been gone for 3 years and married a man who is schizophrenic and bi polar and we just found out. We want to get them out of that environment because we have just found out he flips out all the time. We also just found out he does cocaine. Can we call the Department of Family Children and have them removed from that environment and brought here to Florida? Please someone help us get those kids out of that house!




  1. Get an attorney and do everything you can to remove the children from this dangerous environment. Call CPS and start documenting everything. Good luck.

  2. report them  to the authorities

  3. It is going to be extremely difficult and cost a fortune in legal fees. I go through the same thing with my boyfriend's kids. You have to be careful if you are going to accuse them of drug use because if you are wrong, you'll end up getting in trouble. Just keep on calling DSS and reporting them. You don't have to give your name. The more calls they get, the more likely they will go out to investigate. Sit back and wait is the only thing that you can do. A friend of mine got custody of his son, it took years and the reason he got him was because she tried to kill herself. It sucks what fathers have to go through, tell your husband I'm sorry.

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