
How can you lose 40 pounds healthy over a 9 month period?

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I want to start this new school year with a diet. I am very overweight. My mom and dad have bought all the wrong foods and fed me too much for the last 5 years! I want to live long and be strong. I want to lose it healthy though. I don't want pills or those crazy diets. I also don't want a set up diet. Like, you telling me what to eat everyday. Please help!!! Thanks!




  1. 40 pounds in 9 months is pretty good, sounds healthy. Just do cardio workouts like running or cycling for 30 minutes a day or every other day, whichever you feel like doing. For the food, you can pretty much eat anything you want, except for the fatty foods like junk and fast food.  

  2. Hi!

    I'll tell you what every nutritionist in the world will tell you... No matter HOW MANY diets are out there, the only ONE sure way to lose weight is to eat less, and exercise more. Walking is the best exercise and it costs nothing. Start out by walking six blocks a day for a week, gradually increase that by a block a week until you are walking a mile or two every day - you'll be doing that in no time. Eat only one serving of food, if you need to snack between meals eat something like rice cakes. You don't need to count calories, just exericse and eat less. It is also important that by cutting down on your food intake thtat you don't feel deprived. Reward yourself once a week with a single treat - an ice cream or cookies, etc. Remember, the best exercise you can do is to back away from the table. Good luck. I hope you let me know how you are doing.  

  3. You have to run a calorie deficiency, and there are two ways to do this.

    One, a calorie restricted diet.  Two, lots of exercise.

    Usually, a combination of the two work best.  Michael Phelps can eat 12,000 calories a day, but he also swims for 5 hours straight, most of us don't have that kind of free time.

    1,200 calories is usually the minimum it takes to get the proper amount of nutrients to maintain a healthy body, so don't go below that.  Without knowing your specifics, it's hard to give you an actual calorie range.  

    Focus first on portions, and then on healthy food items.  For example, the proper portion of meat should be the size of your fist.  When you go to a restaurant, they will serve you something 2-3 times that size at least.  Once you have your portion control down, start cleaning up your diet.  For example, cut out junk food like potato chips, candy, soda, etc.  Try and get as much food from healthy natural sources like meat, vegetables, fruit, etc.  Typically, the less processed it is, the better it is for you.

    Second, get exercise.  Even if it's just going for a walk in the morning, you need to be active.  The more exercise you get, the better you will feel and the more you can do.  The first few weeks are hard, but there is no better feeling than getting to bed at the end of the day when you have eaten healthy and gotten good, consistent exercise.  Your body will hate you at first, but thank you later.  

    The biggest thing is that there is no silver bullet, no magic pill.  It will take hard work and discipline.  If every time you feel like a candy bar, cheeseburger, or soda you give in and have it, you will find yourself not making any progress.  If you try to exercise and constantly give up because "it's too hard" or "it's no fun", then you won't see any change in your body.  

    Nature intended for us to be active.  We're meant to eat natural foods, run, jump, and play.  Keep this in mind during your weight loss.  Realistically, you can expect to lose 2 pounds a week, slightly higher on your initial weight loss.  More than that, and you are likely losing water weight, muscle mass, or engaging in an unsustainable lifestyle.  Slow and consistent is the name of the game.

    Best of luck.  I have been where you are and are now much healthier, happier, and active.  I wouldn't go back if I had the choice, which I do, because each day is a chance to make a difference.

  4. log in to   very not miss it

  5. I think you are very wise for wanting to lose weight in a reasonable time-frame instead of expecting a magic potion to do it for you overnight.

    The first thing to do is cut out junk food.  Cut out chips, sodas, fast food and candy.  Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats for protein, and limit or eliminate greasy foods.  

    Good choices are whole grain cereals with skim milk, peanut butter on whole grain bread or toast, fresh fruits to satisfy your sweet-tooth, and load up on steamed vegetables. Cheese is fine if you keep the portions reasonable, as are other dairy products as well as eggs. Allow yourself a treat every once in a while though, so you don't feel deprived.  For instance, having a couple of chocolate chip cookies once a week or so allows you to "cheat" in a sensible way.

    Other important things to remember are to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water and other low calorie fluids - you have to stay hydrated to keep get your feelings of hunger under control.  I'd stay away from sugar substitutes in beverages, but you can make your own decision there - I just think it's healthier to enjoy a source of real sugar in small quantities (maple syrup is a great sweetener) instead of chemical sweeteners.  

    Get some exercise, even if it's just walking and some light weight training. As your metabolism increases because of exercise, the pounds will drop off faster and you will see great results!

    Finally, don't think how you eat as being on a diet - think of it as your new way of eating for better nutrition and optimum health.  

    I've lost 20 pounds in about 4 months simply by making myself eat breakfast every day (oatmeal with brown sugar) and being more careful about my portions and choices of foods.  You can do it!

  6. First of all you need to quit blaming your parents unless they held you down and force fed you. You have the choice to eat less and exercise more.

    You don't need a diet. Just eat healthier smaller portions and find a hobbie that keeps you active and moving.

  7. if you do not compromise with your diet then i will suggest you to go in some daily works with more enthusiasm. work every day with regular stuffs.

    don't be lazy at all.

    start doing every piece of work you get from every one who ask's for your help.  

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