
How can you lose 5 pounds and keep it off?

by  |  earlier

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I only want to lose 5 lbs. no more no less. I want to keep it off (so starving is NOT the answer) does anyone know what I can do? I exercise by running everyday and I've been trying to eat healthier, but so far no luck.




  1. Keep eating healthy and keep exercising.  Try to set goals when your running, on the second day run a block farther.  If you have a problem with eating try to set it in smaller portions before you eat.    Keep your confidence up and don't give up, this wont happen in a few days.

  2. just meat/fish/legumes for a week....don't do to much on fruit but loads of vegetables.... Of course a lot a lot of water....

    If you work out you will be fine....

    Good Luck

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