
How can you love someone you've never met?

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Or even be friends with someone you've never met for that matter. I know some people that are SO into this whole internet world that they will start talking to people on myspace, then call that person their "best friend" and say they've been through so much, but then admit they've never met. Then I know a girl who says she's "in love" with a guy from Wisconsin... and we live in Texas.

Can anyone explain this? I'd really like to hear from some people that actually do the same thing, because I know there has to be some of you on here.




  1. The same way you love someone in person. You get to know how they act, things you have in common, their personality, everything you would offline - just in a different way.

    You CAN go through a lot with people, regardless of it being online or face to face. I was going through h**l in my life, and my best friend at the time (boyfriend now) helped me thorugh everything. He comforted me when no one else would, made me feel alive when nothing else could. I met my boyfriend of two years on an MMORPG (online game called Guild Wars) and we finally met in person in june. Things are not much different now than they were before.

    Love is something that just happens - love doesnt pay attention to distance or care about being realistic. Most of the time, online relationships don't work. But in cases like mine, they work just fine.

  2. love is blind...

  3. My best friend is the exact same way. I don't know why. I guess it's because online you can erase who you are at school, so if you're shy in person you can be outgoing and a totally different person online and nobody would know. So you can be the person you've always wanted to be. Ugh and I don't know its insane the things my best friend will do, and the s**t they talk about it's just weird. And I don't know..if you're bored enough I guess its entertaining. lol

  4. Sometimes people are more flattering on the internet then in person.

    That is why some people really really like someone on the internet they can be sweet and gentle sounding and a lot of comfort. but when they meet in person its not always what it seems. people are different in person than in real life.

    people who talk a lot on the internet usually like to talk on the internet rather then the phone or in person.

    so basically internet relationships stay on the internet not in person.

    so when someone says that's there bff they really mean that, that is there best friend of the internet.

  5. I thought i really really liked this girl i used to talk to all the time on msn messenger.  She worked at the airport so she got a discount on a plane ticket, and flew all the way out here from across the country.  I drove 2 hours each way to pick her up from the airport, and she was planning on staying a week.  The chemistry just wasn't there and i think we actually got on eachothers nerves.  We had s*x a few times, and did whatever, i showed her around, but she ended up going home early by my choice

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