
How can you make cleaning your room easier?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to clean his h**l hole! unfortunately i have my own bathroom and walk in closet




  1. Well once its clean you can lay down I giant tarp over everything and once it gets dirty again just pull the entire  tarp out of your room and put it in a trash can and place it to the side.. Put the tarp back over everything and enjoy a clean room..

  2. get a garbage can

    make your bed

    then throw everything away



    clutter moved from one place to another ends up being clutter again

  3. Do this....take all your money, give it to your dad and tell him to not give it to you until you clean your room.   I did that and I got pissed.  lol I have some much in my room and it's not even that big.  It took me 2 weeks til I decided to clean it and then my dad have me half my money back.

  4. You can make it easier if you don't have mess in the 1st place. i agree with this

  5. First pick up all your clothes and put them in the hamper.

    take a break.

    then make your bed.

    yea! it looks better already :)

    now pick up all the crappy stuff and throw it ALL away.

    store school stuff in a box.put on your bed...temporarily.

    take a break

    drag out the vacuum.

    vacuum and dust.

    that was hard work take a break.

    get the broom.

    go in the bathroom and put everything in another box.

    sweep the ceiling corners.

    get nothing wet yet.

    sweep the bottom of the toilet...yes the toilet. Its easiest to clean when its dry.

    now squirt down the whole bathroom with the kind of cleaner your  mom wants you to.

    take a 5 min break.

    Take a  damp rag and wipe down every thing you squirted.

    sweep the floor. scrub toilet bowl for 3 minutes.

    quick wash the floor

    Hang clean towels

    take a break.

    unpack the 2 boxes.

    use the 2 boxes to shove everything from the floor of the walk in closet

    take a break.

    vacuum hang stuff back up and you are done.

    now thank your mom for a wonderful room :)

  6. try putting a CD on and tell yourself that you hhave to be done cleaning your room by the end of the CD. It helps you move faster and it wil keep you a little interested.

  7. You can make it easier if you don't have mess in the 1st place.

  8. Start by taking all of the trash out first. Then pick up all of the dirty clothes. Then make your bed. Then hang up your clean clothes that are on the floor. Go from there.

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