
How can you make friend without making bad impressions?

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I rather have it more percise than to heard the phrase just be yourself. Thank you for answering.




  1. Okay so you heard it, I guess you don't understand it.

    "Friends", are by the nature of the term, people that share similar views. Do you want friends, or are you seeking a way to social climb? When you are trying to impress people that are not like you, you are not seeking friends you are looking for a job.

    When you are,"being yourself", you are creating a flag.

    This flag says, " This is who I am", now other people will filter you out or in accordingly. Everybody has filters, even you. So, if you want to make money by "pleasing people" then watch your P's&q's, say what they think is funny, laugh at what they think is funny, then watch your stock grow.

    However if you want to be happy with your life, say and do things that you believe in and really feel. That way you don't spend all your time with people you don't care about, doing things you don't enjoy. Let the chips fall where they will, you can't please everyone.

  2. Be nice, don't show off. Don't put yourself with a bad group of people. If you acting how you usually act, and the people don't like you, then leave em alone. They won't do any good for you. lol.  I'll do a do and dont list lol


    Be nice

    Act like youself



    Hate on people

    Try to act all cool

    Show off

    Talk too much

    :] wow I make it seem so hard lol.  There's not really a instruction sheet for friend-making. Just kind of go with the flow.


  3. Do-

    Be yourself

    Ask about them

    Be nice, funny, and relaxed

    Act like you really want to be talking to that person


    Act like you're a movie star

    Talk only about yourself

    Be arrogant, annoying, or obnoxious

    Act bored

  4. Try to be friendly, courteous, and gain a ground of common interest.

    Keep your friend's best interest in mind, see where you can reach out, and offer help where you can.

    Be interested in your friend's struggles, dreams, and aspirations. When you see your friend is hurting, try to sympathize, and ask what you can do.

    Basically, be loving and caring, and do what you can to reach out =)

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