
How can you make it easier to run?

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i just started conditioning for color guard and we have to run a mile everyday. i have not ran in awhile and i was aondering if there is any way to make it easier on my body.




  1. Just get stronger. The fastest runners have the most muscular support force at ground contact. Strength will help you run easier, faster and farther. If you have a weight room do dead lifts or leg press. If not, do one leg negatives by standing on a chair and lower yourself on one leg to the floor. Work up to one leg full squats.

  2. always stretch before running. you may think it doesnt really matter but it does. and on a daily basis you should run a few laps just for practice and youre used to it. also while running, you should breathe in through your nose and breathe out from your mouth. hope this helps!(:

  3. Stretch before running. It helps to loosen your muscles and make it easier to run. Also, think about something that will occupy your mind so you aren't thinking about how hard running the mile is. Also, if you are doing multiple laps around a football field, you can encourage yourself to continue by thinking, "Only two more laps! Good job, self!"

    Hope this helps you!

    Good luck!

  4. stretch and do warm ups before you start you actual work out

    you should run/sprint uphill this will make your legs stronger and also it will take more pressure off your knees. . . also when you go to run on the track it will be easier

    good luck!!

  5. I have been running for 8 years now and would recommend the following:

    I would strengthen the core: calves, quads, hams, back and abdominal (the "six pack" muscles along with the obleks), chest and arms. But when strengthening these muscles, I would focus more on the muscle endurance not the muscle bulk. For more advice for this, I would consult with a personal trainer. For the running part, I would stay flexible as it helps/contributes to your balance (so do the muscles in your core) but also helps prevent some injuries like pulled muscles and shin splints. Also, I would try to make up a schedule where you can run for X amount of days and try to have a long run. I would start off slowly, running about 2-3 miles per run for the first week and increase my mileage per week. Make sure you have the following: a good diet, hydration, sleep, a good sense on how to take care of your body, and sleep. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Good Luck!!!

  6. Step 1: Plum Line

    We learn to walk before we learn to run. And we learn to stand before we learn to walk. The same applies to chaning the way we run: we need to change the way we stand and the way we walk if we want to run with proper running form.

    Find a full-length mirror. Stand with your side facing it and take note of your posture. "Connect the dots" between your ear, your shoulder, you hip, your knee, and your ankle. This line is probably not straight.

    Straighten the line while looking into the mirror. You will do this by utilizing your stomach, not your butt. There should be a plum line through those 5 points, 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground. If you are find this difficult or even painful, you may want to consider seeing a chiropractor.

    Practice standing and walking like this. Once you have it down, you're ready to start jogging with proper running form.

    Step 2: Lean Forward

    With your body aligned, simply lean forward. This will shift your center of gravity in front of your foot. Gravity will cause you to begin to fall forward.

    Step 3: Pick up Your Feet

    Don't let yourself fall! Pick up your feet. You are now using gravity to help propel you forward.

    That's It!

    That's really all there is to it. The biggest challenges are to discipline yourself to maintain proper mechanics and developing the core strength necessary to maintain your body's proper alignment.

    Tip: A helpful way to remind yourself to check and maintain proper body alignment is to set your watch's countdown timer to go off every 5 minutes. This is a helpful reminder to take a second to do a self-check on your form. As running properly becomes habitual, you could increase the countdown intervals to 10, 15, 20 minutes, and so on.

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