
How can you make it easy to memorise something of by heart?

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is there a dua to help?




  1. Say it out loud, and write it out. But not in a huge chunk. More like...

    Say/write the first line

    Repeat the first line, say/write the second line

    Repeat the first line, repeat the second line, say/write the third line

    Repeat the first line, repeat the second line, repeat the third line, say/write the fourth line.

    Now this does take time, I won't lie. But I have used it so many times, and it WORKS.  It's easier for your brain to take in little bits at a time, so I used to break it down line by line, and I still have whole soliloquies memorized. And I used that method to memorzie some surahs.

  2. it depends on what you're trying to memorize.  I was taking this art appreciation class and we had to memorize paintings and their artist and the year they were done.  I would think of funny things about the painting name or artist to help me remember and it worked every time!

  3. Repeat,repeat, repeat. Do u know how to multiply numbers by heart? Same thing.


  4. people ask those who can't remember to say the du'a that Moosa (RA) said b4 he went to firown.RABBI SHREHLI SADRI WA YASSIRLI AMRI WAHLUL UQDA TAMMIL LISANI YAFQAHU QAULI.

    this is in soora TAHA. don't know which verse.

  5. I write it down repeatedly and that helps a lot, but usually the thing that helps most is putting it to a tune...I make up a little rap or fun little tune and keep singing it.

  6. yes you can say it in your head then go to your friends house knock ojn the door and say it to him/her then sit on your toilet and think of it then go to the shop and say it to any1 ther then listen to music and try to remember it











  7. Keep repeating it and saying it in your head. Maybe try some flashcards.

  8. try reading it over and over again.pray "bismillah hirrahmaan nirraheem"(in the name of allah the most Merciful the most kind)every tym=)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Keep repeating. Write it on a paper and keep checking to see if you get it right.

  10. you just need to break it up into small sections, and memorize each line.  I memorized the entire Edgar Allen Poe poem, The Raven this way, back in High School.

    It also helps if you can sing it, make up a tune for it to follow.  Young children have television commercials memorized because they hear them so often, and can sing along.

    I memorized the preamble to the Constitution this way, back when they had it on School House Rock on Saturday morning cartoons.

  11. i make it into a song or if its make a simile out of what is suppose to be memorized

    make a simile by comparing it to something going on in your life or how it affects you or something

    that way you not only memorize it, but you kinda learn it to

  12. Just tell yourself you want to remember, and then forget about it. The mind has a very good memory, so forgetting can be psychological, rather than having poor memory. I think intelligence overall has a lot to do with confidence in yourself, your intellect.

  13. If you can read arabic, then these are wonderful duas you can use

    (1) دعاء قبل المذاكرة:-


    اللهم انى اسالك فهم النبيين و حفظ المرسلين والملائكة المقربين ، اللهم انى اسالك ان تجعل السنتنا عامرة بذكرك و قلوبنا بخشيتك و اسرارنا بخشيتك انك على كل شئ قدير و حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل.

    (2)دعاء بعد المذكرة:-


    اللهم انى استودعك ما قرات وما حفظت فرده الى عند حاجتى اليه انك على كل شئ قدير وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.

    (3)عند التوجه للامتحان:-


    اللهم انى توكلت عليك و سلمت امرى اليك لا ملجا ولا منجى منك الا اليك.

    (4)عند دخول لجنه الامتحان :-


    رب ادخلنى مدخل صدق و اخرجنى مخرج صدق و اجعل لى من لدنك سلطانا نصيرأ.

    (5)عند بداية الاجابه:-


    رب اشرح لى صدرى و يسر لى امرى واحلل عقدة من لسانى يفقهوا قولى.

    (6)دعاء عند تعسر الاجابة:-


    لا اله الا سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين يا حى يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث رب انى مسنى الضر و انت ارحم الراحمين.

    (7)دعاء عند النسيان :-


    اللهم يا جامع الناس ليوم لا ريب فيه جامع لى ضالتى .

    (8)دعاء عند النهاية :-


    الحمد لله الذى هدانا لهذا و ما كنا لنهتدى لولا ان هدانا الله.

  14. flash cards. study them before you go to bed (not when you are overly tired though).

  15. For me, I've noticed after I read my lines a couple of times then write them down as helps.

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