
How can you make less oil produce on your face???

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How can you make less oil produce on your face???




  1. you produce more oil the dryer ur skin is, so try washing it with a moisurizing face wash, that should help

  2. unmm...

    nothing really tht i knw of except healthy foods ans stuff like that

    i eat healthy and i still have really oily skin bc of genetics

  3. Food actually has almost nothing to do with how your skin is (although protein and vitamins are good for your skin). Crappy food wont make your skin break out or oily unless you rub it against your face lol so wash your face twice a day with an oil free face wash (try a neutrogena one) use a light toner, and an oil free moisterizer, apply more moisterizer at night, and as long as you stay on that routine you should have pretty healthy skin, and alittle oil is ok because you'll be less prone to wrinkles when your older.

  4. stop eating greasy stuff like potato chips soda OH and sugar less of that i have that same problem!

  5. Use oil blotting paper and wash your face ONCE a DAY with a cleanser and avoid oily food. Drink lots of water and decrease salt intake

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