
How can you make peanut butter at home?

by Guest61603  |  earlier

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How can you make peanut butter at home?




  1. mush up peanuts vith vegetable oil and salt,

  2. Peanuts

    2 clean flat stones

    Muscle power

  3. you can't, you have to get it at the grocery store

  4. I tried making it with peanuts and... butter! (how smart am i) but it was disgusting! I suggest you take a look at the back of a jar the next time you're in a shop and see what else they put in it. I'd imagine it would be simple enough to make at home

  5. Ingredients

        * 500g (1lb) shelled peanuts

        * Approx 30ml (2 tablespoons) peanut oil

        * Salt (to taste)


    Generally speaking you can buy your peanuts already roasted - either salted or unsalted are acceptable for this recipe. However, if you really want to go from first principles, for the ultimate in freshness, you can roast your own. This can be done with the shells on or off - the times given are for peeled peanuts. If roasting with the shell on, add another ten minutes. Just place your peanuts onto a baking tray and roast in a cool oven for 10 - 15 minutes. Once cooled, peel away the shells. Any red skin should be easy to rub off using a clean tea towel.

    Next, grind the nuts up. A blender/food mixer is ideal for doing this. Of course, it depends on whether you are a smooth or crunchy peanut butter person as to just how small you grind the nuts.

    Then simply add the oil a few drops at a time and beat with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes a paste of your preferred consistency. If you are using a blender/food mixer, you can add the oil all at once and whizz for about 15 seconds.

    Add salt to taste, and enjoy!

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