
How can you make the country clean?

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How can you make the country clean?




  1. GIVE IT A MOP!!!

  2. population control and a whole lot less greed

  3. One large bath tub

  4. That is a great question!  My fiance and I have made every attempt of late to basically do what we were taught in elementary school: reduce, reuse, and recycle.  

    Of course, it's more than that.  I believe that we can help to truly clean our country by reducing pollutants in the water (most of which are caused by industry), reduce the pollutants in the air (which we can all help with), and transitioning to renewable energy sources.  

    Wind-driven turbines have increased their out put by 45% between 2005 and 2006, and biomass fuels have increased as well.  All told, renewable energy still only accounts for just less that 7% of all US energy needs.  I believe we will have a cleaner country (countries) if decrease our consumption of coal and petroleum powered energy sources; the US received 40% of its energy needs from coal and 23% from oil during 2005-2006.

    As far as recycling, we can all reduce or dependence on plastic by reusing plastic that can be used more than once, opting to take reusable bags to the grocery store, and using glass containers for food storage.  

    Just some things to think about.

    If you'd like to see some of the things we've done, take a look at our blog:


  5. move away from the country

  6. flush

  7. bleach

  8. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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