
How can you make your bonsai jupiter tree grow quicker?

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How can you make your bonsai jupiter tree grow quicker?




  1. The point of bonsai is to make things grow slowly. If you want a tree or shrub to go quickly, you plant it in a large pot, not a small bonsai pot, and you fertilize and water it.

    Be patient, grasshopper.

  2. I cant agree more than with  the explantion from the above user ("oikos") It is true the point of bonsai is to learn patience.

    Slow growing is the best way to get a beautiful healthy bonsai.

    I have been into the Art of Bosai since I was a young teen. My only problem is just when it seems to be just right and beautiful, one of my d**n cats get to it and tears it up. And then they get a good @ss whipping!

  3. Do you mean "juniper"?

    Junipers can be naturally slow growing depending on variety. The most usual form of juniper grown for bonsai is the chinese juniper. It's pretty common and found around the world really not just in China. It will grow to fit the pot it's in so if you want it to grow a little faster give it more room to grow. Large bonsai aren't usually considered desirable except in some parts of the U.S.A. where a preference for trees over three feet tall is fairly well established.

    The larger the bonsai becomes the more effort is needed to keep it in proper form as there will be many more branches and twigs to prune and look after and more details that need to be fostered to promote the semblance of large, old tree. Unless you are an expert and have the time to develop this larger format, stick to a smaller tree. Larger trees do have some advantages though. They don't need to be watered as much as smaller versions do and the same with feeding.  Some enthusiasts actually plant the tree in the ground for a season and repot it in the following spring after it has attained a workable height. This results in the fastest growth but the bonsai will need a lot of work to get it back in proper form.

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