
How can you maxamize your mpg?

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with high gas pricese i am sure it is a common qhuestion but what are some "tricks" or "tips"




  1. well for starters if your an A/C person

    open up the windows and turn off the air conditioner its just a waste of gas

    Also you could get a tune up!!!

    oh and try not to be idle as much as possible that just wastes more gas than actually driving the car

    good luck:)

  2. While it's important to keep your car "tuned up", you can also save a significant amount of gas money by simply changing your driving habits.  Here are a few tips.

    -Drive the speed limit / don't speed.  

    -Don't accelerate hard from a stop.  

    -Don't ride your brakes or follow people too closely.  

    -Slow down earlier at traffic lights and "roll" up to them whenever traffic allows.  

    -Inflate your tires to the maximum recommended pressure listed in the doorjamb of the car.  

    -Remove any excess weight from the car.  

    -Don't idle your car excessively in the cold (a 30 second warm-up is enough to get oil circulating in a modern engine - a 5+ minute warm up just wastes fuel).  

    -Carpool or consolidate multiple trips into a single trip if at all possible.  

    -Ride your bike instead of driving for short trips (< 5 mi) when/if possible.  

    I could go on, but I think you get the idea...

  3. you said the magic word,

    Have you heard of hypermileing? the latest fad to increase gas mileage

  4. One trick is the possibility of using water for gas. Take a look:

    Let me know what you think.

  5. There is already some good advice here, however...

    Do *NOT* waste your money on one of those hydrogen kits, they are a scam.  Those claiming to have achieved wonderful fuel-savings are inevitably part of a referral program or sell the stuff themselves and are simply trying to fleece you.

    Check the link I've provided for more information on the great "run your car on water" scam and why it doesn't work.

    And don't click on Elliot's link, it's part of a referral system that earns him money.  Him (and hundreds like him) are just part of this nasty scam.

  6. Add your own hydrogen generator or find someone who is mechanically minded to install. There is a lot of hype about it. On NBC Morning News they said it does not work - then on ABC News they announced that does work. You have to get the right one. The most detailed info on this for the layman is at www.hhowater4gas. (hho stands for 2 hydrogen 1 oxygen). You can self install as it's not that difficult. I have one in my car and get an extra 100 miles per each full gas tank. You simply, through electrolysis, separate the hydrogen out of the water and  supplement the gas so you end up using less gas. There are some systems out there that are a rip off but the above site is reliable.

  7. There are few thing you can do to save (or maximize) gas MPG. First get a tune-up.

    (1) spark plugs

    (2) spark plug wires

    (3) distributors, coil, rotors (if you have them).

    (4) new air filter

    (5) PCV

    (6) correct tire pressure

    (7) clear the trunk of useless heavy items

    (8) spray clean MAF sensor.


    There are 4 most important maintenance items in your engine

    (1) engine oil (3k - 5K miles)

    (2) tranny oil (30K miles)

    (3) coolant (3 years)

    (4) timing belt (60K miles)

    Just keep those maintenance and your engine and tranny will be problem free.


    Forget all those "SAVE GAS" scams. This was on NBC morning TV show. The difference is as much as 38% (their claim). There are very simple rules to save gas:

    (1) drive slow - not too much past 55

    (2) accelerate slowly

    (3) don't brake unnecessarily

    (4) use cruise control - whenever it is safe to do so.

    Don't coast - it is NOT safe (to coast in Nuetral) and it does NOT save gas. It only saves gas, if you are planning to slow down (exiting, tolls, traffic). Coasting then accelerating again is LESS efficient than just cruising.

    The above really works. Using those simple rules I was able to drive from Boston to NYC (210.5 miles) on just 5.112 gallon (94 Civic). That's 41 MPG (94 Civic 187K miles). Actually I was speeding at 72 MPH so I could do even better at 55.

    WOW !! Good maintenance pays off.


    For best MPG:

    HWY speed - AC on and window up.

    STREET speed - AC off and window down.

    The BEST - AC OFF and window UP.


    As simple as that.

    Good Luck...

  8. If it's such a common question then why didn't you read one of the millions of other responses to this question?

    Anywho a quick google search:*g/driveHabi...

  9. 1.  Don't make complete stops - roll through stop signs -- competent drivers do not need a complete stop to see if there is cross traffic.

    2.  Roll in neutral as much as possible instead of braking.  This does require some foresight and practise, but can be fun.

    3.  Accelerate slowly

    4.  Get a fuel efficient vehicle.  (Consider a motorcycle or scooter, as they can get through traffic easier & thus safe time/fuel).

    5.  Roll downhill in neutral.

    6.  Learn to take curves fast without slowing down.

    7.  Keep tires, spark plugs, etc. at proper levels and in good condition.  Perhaps even overinflate your tires if you are not one to take turns fast.

    8.  Do not use cruise control.  Your control can be better, as cruice control is forced to keep the same speed, which means unecessary slowing down going down hill, and increased demands of engine/fuel going uphill.  Better to roll fast down, and then use the momentum to get up.  Anyone who thinks cruise control is good for fuel mileage, is either just being a repetivie robot, or has the case of a heavy and uncontrolable foot.

    8.  Ignore the safety n***s here and only follow my advice, as with the above techniques, I'm sure I get more mpg than anyone else on this forum.

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