
How can you obtain a credit score of 800-850?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 26 years old, and have about 3 or 4 open credit cards. They all total to a combined amount of 1800 to 2000 dollars. The highest payment for the credit card with a balance of 1300 is $56 a month and the lowest with a balance of $112 is about $10 a month. And the rest fall between a monthly payment of $15 and $20 a month on a $150 and $320 balance. These are estimates.

So what can I do to boost my credit score to the max? My credit score now is 670, but id be happy with a score of 720-750. And I do pay my bills on time, and give 10 to fifty bucks more then whats required, but my score doesn't seem to be increasing fast enough.




  1. I can tell you ..with that many cards, be careful. You may want to call each credit card company and ask to have your interest rate reduced. They Will Do it.

  2. It not how much you pay its how long you make your payments.  Credit scores that are 750 haven't had any lates for a long time.  It also has to do with your debt to income ratio as well as how many credit cards you have that have a zero balance rather than maxed out.

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