
How can you open a red ear slider turtle mouth without hurting him/her?

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Today I saw a turtle that got hooked by a fishing hook.There wasnt nobody who could help and the Animal Police (If thats what you call it) would not answer.We couldnt do anything until a guy who claim he was a Veterinarian took off the hook and the turtle didnt even bleed!

I own a red ear slider and I was wondering how can you open the mouth without hurting him?




  1. I have had mine for 36 ys!!

    And when I hand feed (not anymore) and they accidently bite you, they hold on!!!And  it friggens HURTS! Its like having a mini pitt bull on your finger..and it will not let lose. The turtle with the hook may have been in shock.

    I wouldn't ever try opening my guys mouths..Get bite once is really enough to learn a good lesson.

    If I had to save my turtle I would  first put gloves on...and try!

  2. In emergencies (and only in emergencies) you can form a hook out of stiff wire and slip it over the lower jaw. The other end of the wire should be formed into a loop to give you some leverage. Whether you can do this without hurting the turtle is doubtful.

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