
How can you persuade your parents to let you get a piercing?

by  |  earlier

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I REALLY want my lip or eyebrow pierced. My mom said when Im 15 I can get my eyebrow done. But; I want my lip done aswell. I also want them NOW.

Any ideas?

Besides waiting 'till Im 18, blahblahblahh.




  1. If your under 15 you wouldn't be able to get it done anyways if your thinking about getting it done professionally, even with parent consent you have to be atleast 15-16 with parent consent or 18+ to get it on your own. So I suggest you respect your parents decision and wait til your older.

  2. Meh, wait. It's not worth the infection.

  3. Be nice :)

  4. Did you know that having piercings like that can affect what kinda job you can get? Imagine this. Walking into a job interview with one of those, or trying to start a business. People aren't going to take you seriously if there are holes pierced in your body and tattoos all over the place. For example, my brother got his ear pierced at a young age. He is now 30, and that hole is still there. He said he regrets it so much, because now his job revolves around politicians, and no politician is going to hire a woman with piercings anywhere besides her ear lobes, or man with ANY piercings. You're probably not old enough to understand it, but in the long run, you'll be glad you didn't. Of course, who am I to stop a kid from getting a stupid ring on their lip or eyebrow? Basically, kids shouldn't do stuff that will affect them permanently.

  5. i'm having the same problem :p

    my mum was certain on not letting me get a piercing on my face

    and ive been trying to talk to her alll yesterday but she still wont change her mind

    so i've decided to get my ear cartilage pierced which she said she'll think about

    and i'll get my eyebrow done when i'm a bit olderr, i guess i can wait a bit.

    but i'd say, either keep at it or get one somewhere else until they think you're old enough to get the ones on your face :D

    i'm 15, and i'm guessing she wont let me till im 16/17

    good luckk :)

  6. Piercings can be removed. Tell her that and then next say well then maybe I want a tattoo. She will so go for the piercing. Lol parents are so against tattoos. BUT When I was 15 I had my eyebrow and my tongue pierced. Guess whats pierced now... lol nothing but my ears by the time  it was said and done I grew out of that stage and of course got into tattoos. Some people stick with just piercings though . It doesnt hurt to ask. I probably wouldnt recommend getting them done at the same time I would give your body some time to adjust to one at a time.  

  7. i wanted my belly button pierced and im 13 at first my mom

    said no not till your 18 also. but just keep asking. but not too

    much were your gonna annoy her and shell losen up my mom said

    yes and im gonna get it done really soon but the catch is i have

    to pay for it;[[

  8. umm? how old are you? it probably isn't a bad thing to wait until you're fifteen. my aunt has a whole ton of piercings, like her tounge and her lip. Some of those can crack your teeth, and when you're 30 or 40, you probably won't want one in such an obvious place. she really regrets getting her lip & tounge pierced because both cracked her teeth and now she has super bad teeth, which can't be fixed.

    that being said, i think the only way you can convince your parents to let you get a piercing is... prove to them how responsible you are. I know that you probably don't want to hear it, but it's totally true. It's most likely a trust issue, like she thinks you'll let it get infected or something. prove to her how responsible you are, and you'll convince her to let you get one sooner.

  9. if you're set on having this happen, show your parents that you can be responsible and that you will be able to take care of your piercings if they happen.

    also, do not beg. ha that's rule number one.

  10. you cant, but those type of things aren't designed for permission, just do it, it comes with the game

  11. when you are alot older you will not want those on your face...but you can get a relitive tobring you

  12. get good grades... and try not to get in trouble. :)... HOPE IT WORKS

  13. make good grades.

    im 14 and my mom said if i get

    good grades and be good i probelly could.

    (i wanted my belly)

    she said to show me that i can be reasponsiable.

    be nicee :)

  14. I don't know if you will be able to persuade your parents to change.

    I think lip and eyebrow piercing are viewed as too "weird" or dangerous for someone your age.  I'm old enough to be your mother or older.  I personally don't care.  But I have seen very few young ladies who really look nice with a nose or lip piercing.  Usually a small diamond in the nose looks good.

    I went and got six pierces in my ear when I turned 50.  Along with 3 tattoos.  But I stayed away from my lips and eyebrows because older people are really turned off.

    Ask them about an additional ear pierce in the cartilage.  That may be OK with them.

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