
How can you possibly still believe our occupation of Iraq is justified or "worth it"?

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90% of Iraqis said that they would preffer living under Saddam tyrrany.

71% of Iraqis want foreign troops to end occupation of Iraq.

3.4 million Iraqis have fled from their homes.

Current total cost of war to Americans, up to date, within the past 30 minutes is $533,502,430,905 (this is your money)

Estimated 80,419 to 87,834 CIVILIAN Iraqis dead reported by U.S. media.

WHY ARE WE THERE???????????????????????????

They DO NOT want us there. They DO NOT want our "help".

How is it justified to FORCE liberation??? Isn't that a contradiction?




  1. well terrorism, which has been rife for centuries, became a "clear and present danger to the world" when it came to america.. which is probably the most gung ho country in the world, and so the american people wanted revenge.

    Do not think for one minute that it was anything but a ratings thing. I mean he got voted in again didn't he?

    As for the excuse that america wants democracy for them, which is "obviously better".. democracy does not work in those countries. Look at zimbabwe.

  2. Sure.

    Why not?

    In dailing up the Toll Free line?

    Could not solve the mess of their own creation in own backyards?

    With self lack of knowledge?

    With " Children are to be seen and not to be heard" ?


    There's no free lunch.

    Luke 24.44-45,47-49

    Why Pilate was at loss and blurr out there.

    Mark 15.5

    How Jesus walk away free?

    John 1.20

    "Here , Hold the crown for me"

    "I take a walk and think about it"

    Poor Judas could not get away with the crown in hand.

    Matt 27.3-5

    What do you think?

  3. 8 out of 10 think the nation is headed in the wrong direction and want out of Iraq, as well.

    It was the PNAC and Bush/Cheney war - it never was about America or the American people.

  4. Justified, no.  Worth it, yes (at least at this point).  All right, we screwed up with going in blah, blah, blah, but lets look at the situation as it stands.  We got an Iraqi government that is making progress and violence is decreasing.  If we can help them form a stable pro-American government, then that is just more kudos for us.  Thats one less radical state that will attack US and Israeli targets.  The alternative is to pull out and let radical Islam take over and we are in the same mess we were over 7 years ago.  I'd like to see where you got your stats by the way, considering I could write that I saw Bigfoot riding a unicorn through the sabre arches in downtown Bagdad on wikipedia.

  5. Why are we there? Bush bullshitted us. Simple as that.

  6. Good Sheep, keep listening to the media.  Do not ask any questions related to the truth.  Turn off your brain.  Flip on CNN and never look back.

  7. i completely agree with you. in my opinion, what we've done, both us Brits and you Americans, has not helped them in the slightest. you cannot simply invade a country and say "here is democracy" it doesn't work. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying i liked sadam Hussein or his dictatorship, but it was never our place to go and depose him. Democracy, as a concept must evolve into any given society, it simply cannot be forced upon your people. Countries like Iraq and as a shining example Zimbabwe have been under a dictatorship effectively since their creation, it is all they know and all they understand. the concept of democracy is completely alien to them and as much as id like to see the whole world develop true democracy, it takes time, just like it did for both Britain and America. In terms of the oil, everyone knows that was the real reason we went into Iraq, a point even more proven by the lack of weapons of mass destruction, not one. In my opinion, the oil in Iraq should belong to the state of Iraq and controlled by someone who will not be influenced by either us, America or any other NATO force, that way, the nation can engage in global trade, make some money for itself and sort out the mess we've put it in.

  8. Show me the proof of the top 3 lines. I will agree that we are occupying the country. We came in as liberators and now we are aiding their recovery from war and Saddam's government. The cost in lives and treasure is very large though. I'm not sure whether it was a smart decision or not, but now that we have billions of dollars in equipment over there, why not finish the job?

    That civilian death number is low compared to the Kurds that Saddam gassed when he was in power.

  9. d**k Cheney ceo of halliburton

  10. why dont you join the army and see first hand instead of speculating?

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