
How can you prevent Magpies coming into garden ?

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Never had Magpies in my garden before and lived here for 13 years. They are a pain, they have raided four nests in my garden and stolen eggs. Anyway humane way I can prevent this from happening ?




  1. Kung-Fu.........

  2. well unfortunately this is not a total humane way but it has worked for my family for years... if one dies (by whatever cause) if you hang the bird in the yard (i know gross but..) the others will not come back and should not return the next year unless a new family comes into your neighborhood. I know this seems horrbly morbid but magpies don't hang around dead relatives and it seems a bit ridiculous but it really works they will head out within about 24 hours of their deceased being hung - my father used to hang the bird with twine from the feet. from a tree in the area where he thought they were nesting. Of course as soon as they leave (within 48 hours to make sure they are really gone) take the yucky bird down.

  3. Wish I knew - over-run with the vile horrid things here.

    a shotgun seems a good idea (joke)

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