
How can you produce electricity for your own house?

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How much does it cost to put solar panels on your house?

Is there another way besides solar panels to produce electricity for your house?




  1. Wind turbines are another solution. Here are some manufacturers of residential turbines:

  2. No it don't cost that much my neighbour had it done, it cost her a few hundred!

  3. it seem that you wont to learn so you can do for your self have someone that knows wiring go to your electrical box and route a line to were you wish R W Jones here

  4. solar panels are unlikely to provide for all  your electrical needs. They are expensive and take some time to recover costs. a wind turbine is more of a proper solution ( or both) and solar for the water heating.

    again at the moment this too  is expensive and will remain that way until the market becomes more competitive ( a year or three yet)

    you can also install  a generator but this too is expensive to run and  noisy!!

    I think if it was that easy we would all be  converting our homes today but good luck.

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