
How can you prove the existence of knowledge?

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How can you prove the existence of knowledge?




  1. Why prove it.  

  2. Who says you can? And what does it mean to know something anyway? One think one knows but the senses deceive, logic is a self-contained system, and one is only talking to oneself anyhow. Even the idea of "proof" is suspect.

  3. Knowledge is nothing but ascertainment. Therefore the extent of your certainties prove the extent of your knowledge. If you have no knowledge, you can not be certain of anything.

  4. Proof exists if you accept the assumptions of an argument and then proceed logically to the conclusions these assumptions force.  However assumptions are still assumptions which I think are a matter of belief not "truth".   You may think your assumptions are self evident someone else my see things differently.

    For example you can say if we assume that knowledge is understanding the limitations of things, and that everything has limitations, than knowledge must exist.

    There however is an alternative view that nothing has limitations if you have faith.  In this view knowing something is having faith in it its limitless potential.  Knowledge in this view would be quiet confidence in the limitless potential of things.  The proof of its existence would be your belief that this person or thing has limitless potential.

    Thus maybe in the end, to know something is to understand the "no's" of things.  If you accept that things have limitations, than knowledge must exist.  However if you believe something has limitless potential you understand or "know" the "yeses" of things.  The existence of this kind of knowledge is proved by your "faith" in the person or thing.

  5. There is an area of philosophy called epistemology that deals with the nature of knowledge.

    The main way of defining knowledge is that it is justifeid true belief.

    Try googling epistemology and you might come up with something.

  6. Knowledge is the accumulation and storing in the conscious brain of facts, data and information.

    Proof has no relation to knowledge. Poof is to validate, verify and proffer evidence to substantiate a theory or opinion.

    To prove the knowledge that one had is truthful and accurate requires when debated or scrutinised proof. Yet without proof or substantiation, opinions and views are not the sound knowledge of weighed and intellectually authorised data.

  7. I think therefore I am.

    If I 'am' then I am self aware

    if I am 'self aware' then I have knowledge.

    when self-awareness exists then knowledge is there by definition.

    knowledge is not a quantifiable noun

    one either exists and has some or not.

    you question does not address the depth or amount of knowledge a person has  as that's different its intelligence which is quantifiable.

  8. You can prove it,if someone asked you a question & you managed to answered it.You can prove it too by your own philosophy,logical thinking & fact.There more you understand about knowledge,the more you realized how small you are because you actually have a lot more to learn.

  9. It is actually, one of the few things you can prove. If we say "you cannot prove it" then we find ourselves tumbling into circularity because then I can just turn to you and say: "So you KNOW you can't prove it?"

    It does, to be agonisingly cliched about it, come down to how you define knowledge. If you say that it is something that you believe with a degree of certaintly or clarity (what Descartes' calls 'clear and distinct') then we can prove it because I "know", at the very least, that I know very little.

  10. 1) prove existence

    2) prove logic

    after that it's easy, QED

  11. Knowledge is knowing. And we know because we learn.

    We learn because we experience, We experience

    because we're curious. We're curious because we exist.

    We exist to obtain knowledge. It's a cycle known as living/

    being/are. We live to learn. There's your only

    need to be alive to prove knowledge.

    If you mean the knowledge of something more specific: you

    would need to be more specific as to which/what branch of

    knowledge you're referring to, such as philosophy.

    How can one prove the existence of a philosophical

    knowledge? This is where common sense, logic, instinct,

    experience, trial and error, research, verification/confirmation,

    intuition and so on and so forth begin to kick in and weigh in,

    as far as accuracy is concerned. Not everything said by a

    philosopher, no matter how great or popular he or she was or is,

    can be accepted as proof..for they're merely offering their

    perspectives and their versions of the truth. This can be

    chopped up and analyzed into many different components;

    yet, the base of this premises truly lies within the eyes and

    mind of the beholder. Hope this answer was somewhat on track

    for you?



  12. You can't.  In order to prove anything you'd have to know something.  That requires knowledge.  You can't prove something with itself.  Therefore knowledge doesn't exist.

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