
How can you put an end to the terrorism in the world?and how can you spread peace FOREVER?

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How can you put an end to the terrorism in the world?and how can you spread peace FOREVER?





  2. No.

    Very good answer, Kevin.

  3. Some social science researchers have observed that free nations almost never go to war against each other. Over 140 nations have now high degree of political freedom, and wars around the world actually have decreased over the last 8-10 years. Since the US has been at war, it seems worse to us, but there are actually far fewer wars between small nations and fewer civil wars.

    Trade is also a great deterrent to war. You don't necessarily have to like somebody to trade with him, but once you have a mutually beneficial economic trade established, neither one of you will be eager to go to war.

    Want Peace? Promote free trade and democracy.

  4. Well, if we all die, that would do it. We have enough nukes to do it I bet.

    Not sure I like that solution.

  5. Kill'em all, let GOD sort'em out.

  6. Terrorism no longer means terrorism.  It is not a definition; it is a political contrivance.  Terrorists are those who use violence against the side that is using the word.  The only terrorists whom Israel acknowledges are those who oppose Israel.  The only terrorist the United States acknowledges are those who oppose the united states or their allies. The only terrorists Palestinians acknowledge – for they too use the word – are those opposed to the Palestinian.

    So the only way to do what you ask is divine intervention

  7. Well you can't because human cannot unite with themslves but if they do then it might be possible butit would be like

    Once In a Blue Moon.

  8. You can't. To think you can is completely naive. See how we end terrorism? We "liberate" another country. You can't say "others" are terrorists and not see that what we are doing isn't much better.

  9. In order to get to the light (Peace) you have to be willing to go through the dark (War). To get through the dark you have to be willing to make the other people (terrorist) die for their cause. Most people today are not dedicated or willing to match the pain and death the terrorists are willing to undergo to reach their goal. You must be willing to not just match the terrorist desires, but to go to an extreme level to win against them.

  10. We must face it. We are not a species of peace, non-prejudice, or totally for our own species and it's advancement.

  11. You cannot.

    They'll always be another psycho

  12. Tolerance Education.

    I'm not optimistic about Peace ON Earth.  I will do my share and that is about all I can do.

  13. There is no way i can put an end to terrorism, this is why the "War on Terror" is stupid. You have no control over what another person will say, or do. Man was granted free will for a reason, if you like you can do what ever you want.

    The only way i can spread peace forever is to teach by example, and instill the values i believe into my seed i leave to flourish on earth.

  14. Terrorism: only total annihilation.

    We die to live, they live to die.   You can't fix that.   We'd have to kill them all while trying to find a way for them not to reproduce; a tall order.

    Peace:  Only through strength, and only with others who are afraid to die.   There is never any real true peace, only mutual fear from the other for a period of time, until they finally think they can take you.  That's the best we can hope for.

  15. Die

  16. a nice thought........but impossible.

  17. Just my opinion, but don't you think that if peace were posible, we would have figured it out centuries ago?

  18. Do you mean the terrorism created by a world power of white men or do you mean people angrily defending the death of their grandparents and children?

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