
How can you put pictures side by side like one upside down and the other nomale???

by  |  earlier

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i really want to know how to do it please help :D




  1. geez previous maybe accurate but a bit complicated? –

    1) any of pictures – flip it – by ‘Rotate’ until desired position or ‘flip’ –

    can do this in most picture-opening Programs;

    2) (maybe the difference) I have IrfanView – just use “Create panorama image” & place selected photos side-by-side [or pictures vertically if you prefer] – “et voilà”.  

    good luck  

  2. If you want to insert them in an email.Open the original one in 'Paint'.

    1. Go to Image - Flip/Rotate hit Rotate by Angle select 180 degrees.

    2. Select OK

    3. Save as 'a different title'

    In your email, insert the original picture in the normal way, then insert the upside down one next to it.

  3. if you're referring to a picture editing program, such as photoshop cs3, then:

    1. open the original picture

    2. duplicate layer

    3. select layer 1(the duplicated one), press ctrl + t, right click, flip vertically

    4. copy that layer

    5. open a new document, make the width of the canvas twice the size of the original document

    6. press ctrl + v

    7. go back to the original document, double click background to unlock the layer, then copy the image, paste it on new document

    8. done:)  

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