
How can you really be an animal lover if you eat meat?

by Guest63075  |  earlier

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How can you really be an animal lover if you eat meat?




  1. I don't know I am Animal Lover and I quite eating meat 3 years ago. I don't know how people who eat meat can say they care so much about animals they are eating them.

  2. I don't see how it is possible.

  3. My cat loves me, but wouldn't hesitate to eat a mouse!

  4. Animals eat other animals. That wolf in your picture hunts and eats other animals. Humans are also animals and really meat is needed in your diet, hench why a lot of vegetarians have to take vitamins and stuff. Waste of time if you ask me but there you go.

    I dont support animal cruelty and i care bout how they are treated, i believe they should be able to live a good and healthy life before their time comes.

    I love animals. I also have a condition which means if i didn't eat things like meat i would starve to death and die. Just because i eat meat does not mean i dont or cant love animals. Which i do.

  5. I think you should change your tittle to:

    How can you really be an animal lover if you eat slaughtered meat?

    Notice I added the word "slaughtered".

    The only reason I say this, is because if you decide to eat an animal; that's ok. AS LONG, as you raised it in a healthy living environment, took care of properly, and gave it the daily essential needed, there is nothing wrong with doing so when the animal has passed away. BUT, it makes a whole difference when the animal is slaughtered.

  6. You can still eat things like chiken and steak and still love animals actaly i realy like turtles and people hunt them down and eat there eggs

  7. depends on what you eat i dont really like having dog or cat for tea

    you might

  8. I think you can still be an animal lover and eat meat. You just have to be a very mindful consumer. Consider where all your products, accessories, clothing & food comes from. There are always more ethical alternatives to animal products, such as synthetic materials. And there are free range alternatives to most factory farmed animal products. You can choose products which do not test on animals. Fair trade, recycled, free range, biodegradable packaging, and ecologically sustainable sourced products are all actions we can take to ensure we live a more sustainable and animal friendly lifestyle.  Carefully choosing your products can means you can still love animals but are more considerate of their plight. Sure some of these products cost slightly more, but at least the terrible cost is not imparted upon helpless animals.

    Check out the humane consumer web site.

  9. No, I don't think you can. People say they are all the time. But how can you support the abuse,rape and murder of animals by eating them and still call yourself an animal lover? Also some of the arguments people put up to say that you can eat meat and still love animals are really silly so please don't listen to some of the people that post those. Also if your really care about your own animal companions you would quit eating meat anyway.


  10. Its not bad to eat doesnt mean that you dont love would be bad if you raised a pet and then you ate it....then that would mean you didnt love it...unless it was a chicken or something...but yea...some animals were put here for us to i think its all good..

    but everone is intitled to their own oppinion...and if you feel the opposite way as i do than i respect that

  11. So, in your mind one must have to "hate" something to eat it. You've a very two dimensional person if you really think this way. How old are you? I could get over someone MAYBE six thinking in these terms.


    Oh here come the knee jerk vegetarian types with the thumbs. What was I saying about "two dimensional thinking"?

  12. the same way I can love plants but eat them......

  13. I love animals, especially with Barbeque sauce!

  14. Do you seriously think that people who eat meat just go killing ALL animals they see so they can eat them? Many well known environmentalists and animal activists are meat eaters. Steve Irwin was, so is Richard Attenborrough, that gorilla lady (forgot her name), Jack Hannah etc etc. Are you invalidating all the work that these people have done because they eat meat? do you let ALL people sleep or eat in your house because you love people? Or you put locks and bar your doors to keep all these "undesirables" out? How can you call yourself a part of the human race when you help some people while ignore the suffering and misery of others? Maybe I did not answer your question to your liking or did not make too much sense, but sorry, your question is too childish to merit a really serious answer.

    If you ever find yourself in a position where a malarial mosquito or rabid rat has the opportunity to bite or a predating bear or mountain lion to eat you, don't forget to remind them that you love them. Perhaps they will hesitate biting or eating an animal lover and thus save your life or spare you from some tropical disease.

  15. A true animal lover would not support the routine cruelty to animals that occurs on factory farms and slaughterhouses. ( )

    Unfortunately, many who consider themselves animal lovers are not aware of the suffering that "food" animals are forced to endure. I always considered myself an animal lover when I ate meat, and didn't even think of meat as animal flesh.

    (In response to the other answers -- We don't need meat. Aside from cholesterol, there isn't anything in meat that we can't obtain from plant foods. The American Dietetic Association says that vegetarian diets are "healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." See

    Here's some information about how animals are killed at kosher slaughterhouses: )

  16. Some animals I love, some animals I like......cooked.

  17. If you respect the food you are eating, and are knowledgeable about how it is raised killed and processed then you are an animal lover.

    Try buying Kosher meats, the animal is raised in a humane way, and killed with very to no pain. The meat is clean and you can be assured there is no face parts mixed in...

    Good Luck


  18. How can you be an environmentalist if you cut your grass every week?

  19. I don't eat dogs

  20. There are many answers to you question. I know many animal lovers who are still carnivores. Some defend themselves by saying it's a bad habit you can't break, like alcoholism. For most of them, it's ignorance. And we all know ignorance is bliss. They see that hamburger on their plate and just that, a hamburger, not a ground up cow. It's a lot easier to eat it, if you don't picture it's face first. Many people were raised carnivores and have a very difficult time see any alternative. We can't judge them, just know they you are doing what is right.

  21. Sometimes you can love animals, but then understand that eating meat is just a food source.

    I love animals, and I support ASPCA and committees like that. But I do eat meat, and I understand that some animals are just bred for food, and that's okay.

    Yes, sometimes it's hard to think that the animal died, but it's NOT a slow, painful death, and they're going to die eventually.

    God put us in dominion over all the animals, and we're not being cruel, we're just surviving in different ways.

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