
How can you really become free?

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How can you really become free?




  1. You are free when you already learn how to be free. Anyway, being free is just a state of mind.

  2. master self realization

  3. When we free our consciousness from identity with

    adjuncts like body,senses,mind,intellect etc.there by

    nullyfying the self imposed limitation.

  4. Give up. Understand that there is nothing you can do to stop other forces from repressing you. When you realize there is nothing you can do to stop it, then you can understand that in life there is no freedom. The only way to be truly free is to lack rational thought and have a defect that refuses to acknowledge the outside world. Freedom is a myth.

  5. Go out on an adventure, by yourself,

    like to the wilderness. Where you can only see nature, get away from society.

    watch Into the wild.

  6. By surrendering to this moment completely.  Here, now and in this moment is freedom.  No past filters or future illusions.  No shoulds or woulds or whys.  Embrace this moment with love.  We are already free - it is us who erect the walls of our prison and turn our backs to the open door.


  8. Let go.

  9. Find the key to the handcuffs

  10. Educate yourself to be Free, NOT schooling but self-education. Education is that which you give yourself, schooling is that which someone else gives you.

    Be vigilent to remain Free. Watchfulness is a protection against those wittingly and unwittingly whom will take the Freedom. Set the best example by doing your personal best.

    Be virtuous. Let Patience the Mother of all virtues train you in the other virtues which cultivate self-realization and self-actualization.

    Be true to yourself, then be your best, loftiest self, regardless of the circumstances.  

    Follow the Boy Scout Law it is rational and has the essence of the elements that it takes to be a good citizen of the Universe.

    Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,

    Friendly, Courteous, Kind,

    Obedient, Cheerfull, Thrifty,

    Brave, Clean, and Reverent

    Practising these allow one the to be personally responsible for ones Free Thinking and worthy of Freedom.

    Doing at least one good deed daily is a path to Freedom. Compete with yourself and others to do the good deeds.

    Be hopeful. Be the example. Be the change for the better.

  11. Real freedom means freedom from anxiety from the past, from the fear about the future and from want in the present. You need to work and ensure that you  are provided for adequately and in the reasonable future. You ought not to amass for all the time to come. Have some space for others, give charity and be happy.

  12. Die.  After that there's not much anything or anybody can do to you, and you won't have to worry about it if they try.

  13. Viktor Frankle said: "The last of the human freedoms is the freedom to decide for yourself what  an event means to you."

    He was in a n**i prison camp.

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