
How can you recognize over the tv when a horses feet are bothering him?

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How can you recognize over the tv when a horses feet are bothering him?




  1. He keeps switching feet and holding them up a little so as to relieve the pressure. Why are you looking at horses hooves on tv?

  2. if when he walks he looks like he is in pain, like you would walk oversharp rock barefooted. Most horses with foot pain are on some sort of pain killer so you will never be able to tell.

  3. Another the head will 'bob' when the sore foot hits the ground.

    Or taking a shorter stride with a front leg...and I watched a mare who had gotten a nail in her hind hoof...actually extend her rear leg WAY up past her front stride print.

    picking up the sore foot much quicker than the other ones...and usually higher too.

    **EDIT...Lucky, I use Bute as an inflammatory when I've had an injury.  Dulling the pain is a bonus for me.

  4. Watch his gaits If you have a good eye you can tell

    Black Bunny =was the closest But their are other ways like watch his tail if he switch;s it allot something is wrong and watch his ears

    Horses that are sore are not all are on pain killers

    and Bute is Not a pain killer like everyone thinks

    many people ride a horse and never even knows he is sore

    I really hate that or they ride him any way

    But also remember he can be sore in other parts of his body like shoulders hind legs

    bow tendons etc  and it may look like his feet is sore many different elements to it

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