
How can you recycle waste water from household shower and lavatory?

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How can you recycle waste water from household shower and lavatory?




  1. It really isn't safe to tap into your sewer piping to reclaim water.  You might think of providing separate piping from your clothes washer to the outside.  Our plumbing inspector said I could not do that, but that he wished he could say I could.  I won't tell you what I did.

  2. In America the answer is usually "you can't."  It's against Health Code in most locations.  And it's a bear to try to retrofit anyway.

  3. You recycle the gray water by having it going to the sump pump.

    The black water must go into your septic system it can not be recycled.

  4. If you live within the confines of a city in the US...

    Any city.

    They will have a thing called a wastewater treatment plant..... They are payed (And trained) to do this..........

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