
How can you reintroduce female bunnies to each other??

by  |  earlier

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They have been in different cages for 4 months now, and they were put together in our backyard together and they fought. How do we reintroduce them to each other so we can keep them in one cage? The rabbits are all from the same mother. We separated the Mom and her baby and her other children in another cage 4 months ago. Thank you.




  1. I believe 2 female rabbits do not get along with eachother unless they are related, which they are.... so i dont know exactly.

    but you should go to a rabbit website and iknow a few so maybe you can find something

    i probably dont have what your looking for lol but still hope i help


  2. just put them together??

  3. If you going to do this it will take a fair amount of time

    First just keep there cages next to each other so they can see each other but cant touch (make sure they cant reach there noses through to the other cage and touch) after about a week try moving the cage a little closer it would be good if you had some chicken wire that is small so they cant fit ther noses though again but can pretty much be right next to eachother. This will get them use to eachother being around.

    Next you might want to let one rabbit loose in the yard and keep the other in a cage so that the loose one can run around with the other in another pen. When they stop being interested in eachother you could try letting them out again but watch them very close .You could also try putting them both on harneses and slowly letting eachother get closer it will make it easier to stop a fight.

    Best of luck. I hope it works out.  

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