
How can you remove an ear piercing?

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I got a ear piercing about a year ago and it closed up. Now its just a useless black dot on my ear lobe. Is there ANY way to close it up completely?




  1. i haven't wore earings in a few years.

    the ear hole closed completely but its real easy to open it back up. u just gotta take a needle and stick it through the hole.

  2. No, it'll get smaller over time but never completely go away, just like a scar.

  3. I do not think so... but ask a earring person to re-stab the hole through, then it will open up again and you can wear a earring in that ear again!

  4.    I had several piercings and now that i am an older person i let them close all up' and if you do not put any rings in there' they'll close up completely in time.

  5. there sure it =) take out your ear ring and jsut leave it it will heal over in about a few weeks  IT REALY WORKS!

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