
How can you rid a fine given to you because of someone else's deeds?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend was in her dorm late at night and someone knocked on the door. her room mate answered and it was their friend from high school. he barged in with his room mate and quickly threw 2 back packs under my girlfriends bunk who was in bed sleeping. she woke up and right away an RA opened the door. they are freshmen keep in mind so beer = NOT GOOD. the RA found the beer and wrote ALL of them up, including my girlfriend and her room mate!! the guy was an *** from what i hear and they were also fined since they had alcohol in the room... what can they do to fix this problem?? i know what i wanna do to the two guys to fix them.. >:(




  1. In the future, they may not want to have these guys as their "friends"

    It is not up to the RA to sort it out; they will write up everyone in the room and those that occupy the room will be held accountable.

    There is no way to make it go away, they will have to pay the fine or be kicked out of the dorms.

    Your girlfriend and her roommate should send a demand letter to the "friends" asking for reimbursment for the fine and could pursue they could try pursuing matter in Claims Court if they don't.  Even if they win, it is another matter to collect on a Judgment, but it will show on the guys credit reports until the payment is made.

    If they chose to pursue this route, they may want to contact the police and file a police report and see about getting a restraining order against these guys coming within 1000 feet of them in the future.

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