
How can you ride horses as an adult if you don't plan on owning them?

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I just started riding as a college student 2 years ago, and I've been showing at intercollegiate horse shows. The team all rides at the same barn with horses owned by our coach.

I would love to ride/show as a adult afterward (while balancing a career, probably living in a city) but I don't know enough about how to do that casually outside of a collegiate environment. I definitely don't plan on owning my own horses. What are my options?




  1. Find a barn that will let you use their horses. I did that for about a year. The barn I went to gave you lessons and then let you use their horses in shows/tournaments without paying any fees or anything. That way you don't have to own if you don't want to/can't. Try to find something like that.

  2. A lot of people who show don't own there own horses. You may have to travel a bit out side the city. Find a barn that's also shows on a show circuit. What barns do is they teach lessons and train clients horses. Meanwhile clients who want to participate in the show circuit join the barn's show team. The show team is made up of clients that regularly take lessons and show with that barn. Almost all barns teach lessons from beginners to advance, and all ages.

    To balance your career, lessons are flexible and you can usually set up a lesson schedule. Showing vary from one day shows to larger overnight shows. Usually most shows are on the weekends. But most defiantly you do not have to own your own horse to show. Look around your area for barns or stable that you are interested in. Then tell the owner/trainer what you are planning on doing and they will most likely be able to help you.. good luck

  3. most stables will let you, but they will probably charge (usually by the hour). I would suggest just calling around to different stables/ranches in the area and see what they can offer.

    also, some places will keep a horse for you, that you technically own, but you pay them a fee for boarding, feeding, etc. essentially they do everything for you, but you just pay them, and you can go ride it whenever

  4. Go to most large horse ranches, they'll let you ride for free usually. Usually, these are out of large cities so if you live in a big town, it won't work.

  5. Your coach might be able to answer this for you.

  6. If you're going to show, you'll want to use the same horse for each show.  The best option would be a lease.  However, long term leases, just as with cars, are loosing deals.  You're bearing all the expenses of owning the horse but once the lease is over, you give it back.

    There's no such thing as riding for free at a ranch.  There is too much liability and the horses at a ranch are going to have plenty of exercise.  

    You're best option -- for dollar and practicality -- is buying.

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