
How can you rise a Digimon's level when it's stopped?

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I'm playing Digimon World: Dusk and seem to have run into a bit of a speed bump...

My DKTyrannomon has stopped leveling up at 40 and I need it to go to level 42 to digivolve as well as Ogremon, level 41 in order to digivolve.




  1. You have to degenerate it. (I believe DKTyrannomon degenerates to BlackAgumon? I'm not sure). Degenerating will raise it's aptitude (the max level it can be raised to) Then you can always digivolve it back to DKTyrannomon.

    But anyways, just degenerate it back to their previous form, this also makes them stronger since their apt does go up, raising them to the max apt will make all their stats (mostly atk) go up and they will be more stronger in the long run.

    Hope this helps.

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