
How can you rush the process of love?

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How can you rush a divorce so you can marry the person that you truoly love?

Right now my fiance is still married. He would like to get a quick divorece so we can marry. We started out as friends and I witness how his ex abused him. She would work late every night and never let him touch her. He did everything cook clean take care of tehre son and then she would come home late every night and complaine if there wasn't food on the table for her. I was his blessing and now he wants to get rid of her. Please help!




  1. Wow his wife let you sit in there home and see all this. Stop you don't know any of this for sure you got your man as you say so why are you still talking about her.

  2. These things take time. And money. A lot more time and money than you think. And when there are children involved, it takes even MORE time and money. And then child support takes time – and money. A LOT of money.

    A lot of other posters urge you to proceed with caution and I’ll toss my hat in that ring as well. You don’t give details, but something isn’t adding up.

    I smell a rat.


  4. You can't you're going to have to wait. If you really love him and he loves you was the rush? And there is 2 sides to a story his and hers.. hope you're not making a mistake. Good Luck to you.

  5. you can't. divorce takes a long time. lawyers are lazy.

  6. Divorces usually have to take their course. I understand where you're coming from that he was abused and you two really want to be together, but being engaged while you're still married is still kind of disrespectful to his wife. Even if she wasn't the kind of woman he would want to be with. He married her and they have a son together...think about the son and how this may affect him in the long run.

  7. Well, first of all .. does his wife want to get a divorce? If not, then it's a big sign of a long divorce process. They also have a son together, so there's custodial rights to solve. The process can also be long if they don't have prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement. Even for a simple divorce with no contest and both parties agree on everything, it can take up to 6 months. Check your state's website to read what are the laws in getting a divorce.

  8. Just remember there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. You can't rush a divorce though. Its all tied in the courts

  9. If he truly wants to get rid of her he would.Does she even know about you?If you knew he was married you should have taken a step back until he was divorced.A friend dated a married man,he divorced and married her.Now he is divorcing her to marry his new girlfriend.Step back take a long hard look before you jump into this mess any further.Good luck.

  10. Have you sat down and talked to her.....because that's just his side of things.

    His not going to tell you the part he played in his marriage breaking up....for instance getting engaged before he's divorced.

    She's not a piece of trash one point he loved her.....and conceived a child together.

    Don't be in a rush  when you have no idea where you're actually going.

  11. You can't rush a divorce as the court proceedings take time.  Especially if there are children and assets involved.  If you are meant to be together a little bit of time waiting for the divorce isn't going to change how you two feel.

    Sharing how his current wife is with him in their home, whether this is true or not, is not necessary to receive an answer.  It's actually quite distasteful and immature.

  12. my mama said you can't hurry love, no you'll just have to wait

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