
How can you save up for ice hockey????

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well if you play hockey you know how expensive it is and in Colorado the girls teams travel and this year my mom does not know if she can afford it so what are some fun ways for me to save up money for hockey season????




  1. A job is going to be your best option at 14 I sttarted working and i absloutley loved the job I made $11 and hour because hockey games take 1 hour. lost? I'm sure if you live by a hockey rink they have youth hockey? if they do attempt to conact an induvidual who mangers and organizes the organization.(I live in Mass. we have a very large youth hockey program here its mangerd by Valley Associates at 14 i contacted them for a timekeeping job)

    All you do is sit their! Its a gret job for teens all my friends were jelous at how much i made!

    and if that doesnt work We have Market Basket here and Dunkin Dounts they hire at 14 and if you truly love the sport you don't mind working for it.

    And if it comes down to it ask if you can make a payment plan with your local organization.

  2. Stop making excuses and mow some lawns. They let 14-year-olds do that....or are you just lazy?

  3. you can work as a caddie at a golf course/....

  4. Collect pop bottles, go house to house selling things, or do other types of fundraisers

  5. Baby sit, mow lawns, shovel snow (during winter of course), get a paper route. etc......

  6. Here's a fun way.




    Your never too young to get a job...How old?

  7. turn into a hoe

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