
How can you say your an animal lover if you eat meat???

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I don't know why people who eat meat say they love animals when they are eating them. Please tell me why people say that they love animals when they eat them??




  1. We all love trees, but we still have our houses built out of them. We all love animals, and we eat them because that is there place in the food chain, and they are a great source of protein for us. This is the way human beings have survived all these many thousands of years by eating meat such as fish, turkey, chicken and beef. It is in our DNA to have meat, sort of speak.

    The question to not eat me is purely a celebs thing. Celebs are vegans, so those who can't think for themselves and are only concerned with the latest trends become vegans. Then they sit around and tell everyone else that eating meat is wrong.

    However, if you lecture people who don't eat a balanced diet by excluding what is natural for us to eat which includes meat they get upset. They don't truly understand biology.

  2. When you eat,the thought usually doesnt come to your mind that you are eating an animal. You think you are eating a tasty meal. But when you see animals with your eyes ,alive,then that is a totally different thing.

  3. Look, given the chance, I'd be a vegetarian.  But I'm not, because its not practical for me at the moment.  Maybe when I'm living on my own, but not in school and living with my parents.  I love animals, I think they're great.  Yes, I eat the flesh of certain animals.  We all have to live, and to live we have to eat.  Animal flesh is the easiest way to obtain certain nutrients, so how do we get it, we eat it.  Its not a matter of liking or not liking animals, its all a matter of survival and the instincts of every living creature on Earth, man or beast, to eat to survive.

  4. No doubt. I agree with your question. You can't be both.

  5. there is a true seperation between loving animals and eating meat, beef pork and chickens are raised for meat and not household pets.  I know of no one that has a pet cow or a pet chicken and pot bellie pigs are  not hogs   that are eaten by anyone.

  6. because these people are better than the average person in that they love cats and dogs and they avoid companies that really torture and abuse their animals*cough*KFC*cough*but they can still sleep at night with a burger in their stomach.

  7. I respect animals and all they provide me, and want them to have happy, productive lives. However, I don't see a problem with eating them if they are raised this way. I simply don't see an animals life as worth more than a humans. Animals eat other animals in the wild, often violently- why should humans be held to a different standard?

    So yes, I love animals. They're fascinating, beautiful, and intricate creatures, just like humans. However, I have no problem eating them.

    I completely respect your beliefs on the matter, though.

  8. I am an animal lover, I LOVE to eat them!

  9. Most people say they love animals, not that they hug trees ;P


  11. Just one question. Would ever say that various native american tribes didn't revere and worship the animals they ate? They hunted animals, they truly appreciated these animals because they helped them SURVIVE. Now, in this day in age that isn't the same case. I do think that the industrialized meat machine is a truly disgusting thing. People don't associate slabs of cooked flesh on their plates with the fact they came from animals. This country's leading cause of death is in part because of the disgusting amount of added meat we have in our diets(it's TOO MUCH). But I personally have no guilt whatsoever over eating the flesh of an animal that 1) was allowed to run around free as it would, was fed when it wanted(not forced), was not debeaked, declawed, or made to sit in a cage all day  and 2) was killed quickly and as painlessly as possible, not by some horrible hack and slash machine. I eat poultry. I eat fish. You really want to tell me I don't love my dog and my cats? /Really/?

  12. I dunno, but I LOVE a good steak!

  13. Amen sista! The answer is that they're hypocrites, or they're lying to themselves. If any of those pu**ys had to kill anyone themselves they'd probably p**s themselves. If they could, then they're sick people. Most people would rather someone else killed for them and cut the bodies into a shape that doesn't resemble an animal so they can ignore the evil waste of life and pretend it's "man made" for the sake of something as trivial as a good taste. To everyone who says that being vegetarian isn't healthy.... go educate yourself. I hate being this hateful, but I cannot stand the a**holes who turn their backs and support something they know is disgusting because it's not happy to think about. They'll love their dogs to death then support the tortured life and gruesome death of a pig, which is way smarter than a dog (actually about equal in intelligence to a three year old child). I really prefer the ones who just admit to being d icks.

  14. hi,

    its just same like

    u say (i like flowers, and eat cauliflowers)

    for me i eat chicken but i like puppies.

  15. It is because people were raised eating animals, being told there was nothing wrong with it, that the animals were raised well and felt no pain when they were killed.  Some people may love animals but find it difficult to go veg.  A lot of people don't see cows, pigs, chickens and all in their lives, they do not realize that these animals are just like our pet dogs and cats.  If they had pet cows and other animals, they wouldn't be able to eat them.  It's the whole out of sight, out of mind thing.

    I do believe you can love animals and still eat them, just as long as those who do realize the suffering the animals go through to get their food and do something about it like cutting back on meat, buying organic and things like that.  The people I cannot stand are the ones who claim they love animals but do absolutely nothing to help because it shows they don't really care.

  16. i love cats but don`t eat them...

  17. I dont understand that either, but i have always been curious. i was too afraid to ask it, because there are a lot of people at my school who question my vegetarianism. But i agree with you-- it makes no sense to me. I actually do love animals, and i would never chew on their bodies. (thus, the love part comes into play) I dont think you will find your answer. Perhaps it's just a figure of speech for some poeple and the phrase gets abused. like saying, "oh you look nice today"

  18. Because I was raised eating meat, and I would stop it if I didn't love the taste, which is horrible, yes.  And I think that every time I eat it, but I just have to mentally tell myself it's man-made, it's man-made, in order to not throw up from the thought.  I guess it's just will power.  I don't have it to stop eating meat....but I love my dogs more than a majority of people and would love to personally injure (or worse) to anyone who hurts any dog or cat, I guess I'm a walking oxymoron...don't know what to tell you.

  19. A true animal lover wouldn't support the routine cruelty that occurs on factory farms and slaughterhouses. ( )

    Unfortunately, many people who love animals aren't aware of the cruelty they're supporting... they haven't seen the undercover video footage. I ate meat for the first 14 years of my life and I definitely considered myself an animal lover. I didn't think of meat as animal flesh and I didn't think about how the animals were treated before they landed on my plate.

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