
How can you scare off stupid prank callers?

by  |  earlier

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My family gets a lot of prank callers and it's starting to really get annoying. My family is thinking about changes our phone # but it's most likely a no we can't get caller ID and can't change our # so I need to know stuff to scare them off.




  1. Get an answering machine and screen your calls.

  2. tell them that you can see their number in your caller id (even if you dont have one) and you are about to report them to the authority.

  3. we had a real problem with this a couple of years ago until everytime they called we took turns singing to them. we pretended to have s*x when they called or we would sit the phone on the table and take turns saying stupid stuff and laughing at them . when they realized we were having more fun then them they stopped

  4. just casually mention that you are cleaning your gun and you know where they live

  5. well you could always beat them at there own immaturity so if ever they tell a dumb joke or swear be ready with some of your own that will totally destroy anything they have to say ... it won't exactly scare them but prank calling someone only to get harassed and verbally abused yourself is just stupid.

  6. Why not change your number and not list it? That is the best thing to do. You can't scare off prank callers. They seek a reaction, that only feeds their mania. So the best thing to do is to avoid them.

  7. pick up the phone, scream gibberish into the phone in the voice of Doctor Claw, then hang up before they can respond.  I did this at work once, when crank calls kept coming in after we closed.

    If you can't perform the death metal voice, just get a new, unlisted phone number, or get a cheap caller ID device, and call the d**n cops.

  8. If it works in your area, do a *69, which will call them back. Then you can prank them, or, even better, threaten legal action... since prank calling is illegal.

  9. Every person who prank calls you is making a bad mistake... try this... blow one of those really loud, deafening, annoying little kid whistles right into the phone. lol Most of them will never call again lol We tried it a few times... worked pretty well lol Just keep blowing the whistle constantly until hey hang up. And put it right up to the speaker. lol

  10. tell them its easy to track them down and police are listening to their calls right now

    dont talk about killing them but make them scared

    i hate prank calls we got a lot too,.....but then we told the police about it cuz it was disturbing thank GOD we have not been getting any....

    hope i HELPED...


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