
How can you stop Monsanto from taking over our food supply?

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How can you stop Monsanto from taking over our food supply?




  1. You can't.  Monsanto is the devil.  

    So many farmers buy their seeds, and it gets into neighboring fields.  Monsanto has a huge team of lawyers that sues the owners of the neighboring fields for patent infringement, even though the farmer didn't want the seeds in his field.  It's worked a couple of times, more often than not small farm owners settle out of court because they can't afford the kind of lawyers that Monsanto has.  They are so evil that they go into 3rd world countries to enforce their patents.

    Also, the genetically modified stuff is so much cheaper to grow that the only way other farmers can compete is to buy their seeds.  It's creating a very serious shortage of genetic diversity in stuff like corn, which is just begging for some sort of global food shortage.  On top of that, if you buy seeds from Monsanto, you have to sign a contract saying that when the season is over, you won't store seeds that come from the previous year's crop...this has been a standard practice for centuries.  If you know your seeds work and make a good crop, you save some when you harvest and plant them the next year.  So now, it seems the majority of seed reserves will be held by Monsanto, and that creates a real potential for trouble.  If Monsanto holds most of the country's (or even world's) seeds, it basically can charge whatever it wants for them.

    The best part:  it's going to be hard to get politicians involved.  Why?  Because half the board of Monsanto used to work for the department of Agriculture, and half the department of agriculture used to work for Monsanto.  Laws are made, policies are implemented, everyone does favors for people, everyone makes an a$$load of money.

    There's only a few things you can do.  Try to buy organic, and buy local.  Those products will be much less likely to have originated from Monsanto seeds.  The other thing you can do is yell at your Congressmen.  Neither one of these is likely to help, Monsanto is just too powerful.

  2. Its too late. Monsanto is trying through generic engineering to modify all foods especially vegetables and patent them as their own. In other words most common vegetable seeds will have to be purchased through them and they control the price. Sort of like doing business with the oil industry. Or the pharmaceutical industry. And the pharmaceutical industry is trying to outlaw all forms of herbs and medicinal plants for personal use, thereby you won't be able to so much as have an herbal tea for what ails you.

  3. It's simple. Use the laws of Supply & Demand. Inform as many people as you can about it. Stop buying their GMO soy. Inform yourself about as many food ingredients as possible. Avoid buying anything that has ingredients that Monsanto is connected to.

    In the end, the consumer has the power. We just need to teach the consumer to use it wisely. It's almost like the force in Star Wars. :)

  4. Probably can't since the genetically modified crops escape into neighboring fields.

    There is a slim hope that the consumer will be able to reject genetically modified foods when the Democrats get a better majority and control of the veto.

    People will be able to have modified foods and hormone and antibiotic produced foods labeled.  The 'slander against food' laws may be repealed.

  5. Plant a garden.

  6. Invent a Time machine

  7. its too late their despicable bio-p****y tactics have insured that. Unless you can get them to reverse the right to patent life.

  8. Good question. We dont pay enuf attention to things like this. Watch for Big Food to become like BigOil. Monsanto, ADM, Conagra...they do good, but they still are looking at the bottom like.

  9. These huge corporate monopolies must be broken up ASAP--they're breaking the law because the Sherman Anti-Trust Act prohibits these huge monopolies.  Standard Oil was a huge oil monopoly back then and now we have many more monopolies and we can't do anything about the crimes they commit until the Sherman Act is strictly enforced!  That's a question we should be asking all of our politicians--what are they going to do about all of these mega-mergers and monopolies and are they going to strictly enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act!  Otherwise they will continue to use us as guinea pigs and can poison us without any consequences!

    You and I: Monsanto is buying up all the seed companies around the world, so all the seeds that we buy will end up coming from Monsanto.

  10. Actually if Monsanto genetically modified crops come into your field Monsanto is prepared to sue you for illegal use.  With the Republicans in charge we're bound to see even more protections in their legislation in favour of Monsanto.

    We need protection against owned genetic engineering in food crops for sure.

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