
How can you stop getting your adoption question taking off?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a what would you do question that had to do with adoption and father's rights and they took it off. I just don't see why asking if you would give back a child would be in violations can you explain this to me. Is it because I told who the adoption agency that made my family's life a nightmare?




  1. "How can you stop getting your adoption question taking off? "

    -don't ask a question that challenges the "warm and fuzzy" beliefs of adoption.  /sarcasm.

    seriously, i've had soooo many questions deleted and have just concluded that there are simply people who are uncomforatable with a contrary veiwpoint...

    ps. i loved your questions about fathers' rights.  i hope things work out.

  2. Funny how consumer safety doesn't seem to be a concern for Y?A! Only good reviews of business, please! We wouldn't want anyone to be warned about unethical adoption facilitators, would we? We need to make sure they can continue to rake in profits while using underhanded and questionable tactics to victimize children, FPs and PAPs! God forbid we allow people to tell their personal experiences with BUSINESSES so we can educate consumers and put a stop to those who take advantage of others!!! We wouldn't want anyone's ETHICS questioned! We don't owe it to CHILDREN to protect them from being treated like PRODUCTS and placed in situations where they can be disrupted or be free from situations where they will feel betrayed when they get older! We don't owe it to FP's to offer them the TRUTH, without coersion before they make their choices! We don't owe PAP's the opportunity to work with people who CARE about whether or not their adoptions will be challenged and their money and feelings drained! We should only trust the nice web sites and banner ads about how reputable these places are! How dare you tell people that your family suffered at the hands of these saintly agencies and businesses who only want to help "save children" and "build families" and "do God's work"! We only want them to hear about the testimonials from their satisfied clients! Otherwise, we might have to have some accountability, ethics, morals and less money from this lucrative $1.4 BILLION a year INDUSTRY!!

    GOSH, SAM, what were you THINKING!?!


    I'm pissed they deleted your question! There were some great answers for it too!!!

    ETA: I guess some people don't appreciate my dry sense of humor... LOL!

  3. prolly naming the business.  but if you aren't 100% pro-adoption on here, you're more likely to get violations.

    trust me, i get them constantly.

  4. yes because you named the business that caused your family heartach

  5. Quit having an opinion.

    Quit trying to make a difference.

    Quit Caring.

    Quit being a human.

    Fix those few SMALL issues and you should be okay ;-P

  6. it was most likely because you named the adoption agency- and don't believe that you will only be reported and receive a violation if you are anti-adoption- I am pro and I have got plenty, from those who hate it.

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