
How can you stop loving someone when every time that you see them in the distance you just break down and cry?

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How can you stop loving someone when every time that you see them in the distance you just break down and cry?




  1. [[[hug]]] i think you need that.

  2. It is a normal stage of the grieving process kiddo, just about everyone has gone through it a few times in life and it doesn't get any easier!

    If you are here then you are actually pretty close to moving on!  The 5 stages of grief were first developed to apply to death and dying but it also applies very well to divorce/break ups as well.

       1. Denial: "It can't be happening."  "I'll wake up and it will all be gone."

       2. Anger: "Why me? It's not fair."

       3. Bargaining: "Just give it one more chance.  It can work."

       4. Depression: "I'm so sad, I can't stand to even see her without crying."

       5. Acceptance: "It's going to be OK. I can even talk to her now!"

    Hang in there.  It will get better.  You will be able to face her and you will be able to move on.  Hopefully sooner than later.  Find some good friends to depend on.  Talk to them about how you feel.  Don't wear out your welcome though, have fun hang out. Don't go moping around and bring everyone down, that will just isolate you from your friends and make you feel even worse!  Try to be positive (though you certainly do have the right to talk some about your feelings that is only healthy!) You sound young, remember that, there will be so many more opportunities, even though this is fresh and raw, try to keep that in mind!  You have made it to the fourth stage that is super!  Now keep on going!

    Good Luck!

  3. Alas, the human condition.

  4. annoying answer- time..

    it's hard not being with someone when you are still in love with them, but for your sake you have to stop contact, or atleast lessen it.. everytime you see them it kills you, and you can't stop thinking about them, so just stop putting yourself through it and you'll recover quicker. if there is no chance of reconciliation then you have to abandon it and move forward.. take it easy, be kind to yourself, don't rush yourself to get over it and you will gradually get there.. goodlcuk

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