
How can you stop people from smoking?

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how can you stop this epidemic?

how can you stop people from dying in lung cancer?


why do people smoke btw?




  1. People can stop smoking if they really want to do it, you personally can give them support, but it is the smoker who has to willingly try to stop. I was a heavy smoker before, but I have stopped smoking for about 2 years now. It is very addictive and very hard to stop. It takes time and a long process to do it if you are a heavy smoker.

    As long as they still sell cigarettes, there will always be people buying it because of the addiction of it. So we can't really stop it, but we can lower the number of smokers.  

  2. i have a smoke once in a while and keep it under control.

    it just feels good.

    the only way to stop people is education  

  3. You can't stop people from smoking, but you can discourage them with education, ads, and taxes, which are very effective at making cigarettes too expensive for teens.

    In my opinion, the best way to sto ppeople from dying of lung cancer is to replace cigarettes with e cigarettes, which contain no tobacco but provide nicotine.

    As to why, well, people start smoking out of curiosity, find once they've gotten the hang of it that it's a pleasurable drug, and then get addicted and feel bad when they can't smoke.

  4. Well one big thing that u can do is ban smoking, then most people in the world will just stop, or u could just increase the price of cigarettes so high that no one would even be bothered to buy them, who would buy a pack of cigs for a 1000 bucks.

    They smoke because of seeing friends doing it and thinkin its cool and then getting addicted to the nicotine.  

  5. As a smoker myself, I have can safely tell you that the only person who can make me stop is ME. I get that its unhealthy. I get that other people don't like it. It stinks, it will probably kill me and I am educated about the whole thing. I grew up in a family full of smokers, I started smoking myself and now I am ADDICTED. It is hard to 'just stop' believe me, I've tried. ADDICTION to nicotine is why people are dying of lung cancer. We are ADDICTED. Nothing you do is going to stop a persn from smoking. A smoker has to want to quit. They don't need to be nagged about it.

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