
How can you stop poachers from hunting wild <span title="life(tiger,turtles,butterflies,etc.)">life(tiger,turtles,butter...</span> and its illegal trading?

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How can you stop poachers from hunting wild life(tiger,turtles,butter... and its illegal trading?




  1. only by stopping the market and this is impossible .

    Stricter vigilence and more control only means that the prices go up and the poaching becomes even more attractive .

    Of the thousands of parrot poached in Mexico only 15% survive by the time they get to market and by then the prices are highly inflated.

    Even though exotic birds are officially  protected ,ventors are by the road side in provinces like Chiapas selling iguanas, Eagles and other exotic birds ,

    One way is to improve economic conditions for the locals ,but not only locals do the poaching.

    Like Madagasgar this ilegal trading will continue ,untill there is nothing left.,unless the demand seizes,so the cure is by making these pets and medicines illegal,in the first world countries as well as where they come from.

    Already the Mexican police seize any that are discovered at road blocks or as a shipment leaves the country ,

    people are constantly caught  trafficing in exotic animals and skins .but still is goes on .

    The control has to be on both ends , and on all levels. it already is but nowhere near enough.

    Here in Mexico we are continuesly offered exotic animals ,last week a large Mazacoah (family of the anaconda)before that an ant eater and armadillos ,and something between a monkey and a weasil very cute .we now refuse to buy these animals if we did ,people would come all the time ,knowing we were in the market ,

    If everyone did this ,some of the poaching would become less ,but people dont ,they see this cute animal buy it and later it dies because they cannot supply the food it needs ,or dont know how to take care of it .

    Perhaps fines need to be raised as well as the vigilance ,but goverments have other priorities.

    Often programs that were designed for protection become loop holes for more business ,

    here we have programs with government assitance to protect and breed turtles ,official posts as set up with guards the watch over egg deposits,

    on investigation we found that only a few eggs are hatched and thousands are sold on the side as an aphrodisiac.

    At an ecological meeting on the beach ,on a cleaning up campaign ,we were served turtle eggs for lunch .

    I declined and everyone laughed.

  2. I have a family friend who used to hunt in Africa in the 70-80&#039;s, when he was there poachers were shot on sight. That seemed to solve a few problems.

  3. By informing the buyers and consumers not to patronage the animal&#039;s product. Then the killing will stop

  4. by educatin ppl esp young children

  5. Many states have laws preventing the import of such materials.  Laws that make possesion of such materials can help, too.  If you tighten up the buyer&#039;s market, they&#039;ll be no profit in poaching.

  6. Combating (and this is a fight) illegal poaching has to take place on several levels.


    Provide the resources, material and means for those in the parks, habitats and sanctuaries to fight poachers right at the source.  This means funding them, adding staff, putting laws in place that aid their efforts, etc.  Stopping the poaching industry at the &quot;kill point&quot; is key to this fight.


    Kill the distribution system.  These animal parts / remains/ pelts are getting to market via someone.  You&#039;re caught with a tiger fur in your trunk, guess what?  You lose your business, vehicles, get fined and go to jail.


    Stop the market distribution points -- underground or otherwise.  This means adding law enforcement to patrol the markets, putting legislation down to shut down stalls / stores / outlets that have engaged in the distribution of any element of an endangered species.

    This three pronged attack is the best way we can shut this industry down.  After that, hopefully we can concentrate on habitat restoration for these species.

  7. Put a bounty on poachers, $50 for a pair of ears. Of course  they must be a matching pair.

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