I have this friend....bestfriend and she's perfect.
She's pretty,[developed]
Good at sports, singing, dancing, break dancing, acting, chello, piano, violin, drums, drawling, ceramics.
She a good speaker, not shy, friendly, always trying new things and ends up being good at it without really trying, determined, courageous, very cool, has a lot friends. And the worst part is she's a good friend and doesn't have a good family so when your jealous your also guilty...my old friends even like her more than me now. I'm never able to be myself because she's good at everything I do and like. And she always steals the spotlight, what should do? and I feel like I can't tell her, because i've kinda told her in a way but she just starts yelling and says that I could have her life because she says my life is better becasue I actually have a family that loves me.