
How can you stop yourself from missing someone?

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is it even possible?




  1. It depends upon the bond between you.Forgetting someone isn't easy.Instead you adjust to the loss of that person.It is a bereavement which ever way you look at it.

  2. I don't know if it's just have to find a way of dealing with it....keep yourself busy and not allow yourself to realize their absence.

  3. You cannot Stop missing someone, If you are missing someone then He/She Is most integral part of your life.

  4. move file to trash and empty... file deleted.

  5. well i can tell u this, if u think about them often u will miss them more and more, but if u try to push them out of your head for awhile, u will start thinking about other things, and probably wont miss them very much or even at all. u just need to occupy ur thoughts will other things.

    hope i helped : )

  6. yes!

  7. idk email me when you figure it out

  8. Have a backup person always around, that way you never go missing anyone !i

  9. ... well, you don't. You let time heals you and eventually, you won;'t be missing that person as much anymore.

  10. You can only stop missing someone when you've moved on :)

  11. I wish I knew that habibity,I'd use it4my own self......

  12. just try to keep yourself busy, whether it be by working or enjoying hobbies. it's also important to spend time with other people so it'll hopefully keep ur mind of the person u miss.

  13. you can't....

  14. i suppose that i would be somwhat of a good person to answer because im going through that sam sit. right now.

    1) try picking up a new or old hobby

    2) hang out with your friends...ALOT

    3) be adventurous and do something out of ur norm

    4) if you are trying to "get over" someone then just try to find somone new like i saw someone else say

    5) my favorite one: If u have ever had a life's dream...Pursue it!

                                  (unless it means less time with that somone)  :)

  15. u have to fall for someone else !

  16. depends on your relationship with this person. maybe it's not possible to fully stop missing someone you love, but you can lessen it. keep yourself occupied and hang out with other people to keep your mind away from him/her.

  17. Yes its possible.

    Say ''Audhu Billahi Minash Shaytanir Rajim"

    Your feeling is from Shaytan (assuming that you are un married)

  18. Find things to do with yourself.

  19. Flirt with other guys thats the only way.. you'll move on without even knowing it..dont get yourself stuck in this situation if its not making you happy. Go to a club, bar whatsoever get drunk dance with other guys..!! take your mind off the careless people and meet new people . And simply start talking to someone else.

  20. You just have to get out and live your life. Enjoy the people around you and keep yourself engaged. Life goes on and you have to make the most of yours.

    You'll probably always miss that person, but the way in which you miss this person will change and eventually, you won't feel the intensity of longing that you feel today.

  21. Yes and no. It depends of the type of relationship you were in with the person you are missing and the circumstances surrounding why this person is no longer in your life. If it is loss from a death, I'd say you may never stop missing the person; however, emotions change from pain and emptiness to fond memories and joy. If it is broken relationship because of differences in opinions or personality conflicts, you may be able to move on with your life or heal the relationship.

  22. I don't think it is possible if your really close to that person or if you have feelings for that person. I feel the same thing and I know that it will never go away.

  23. The answer to this question is easy (if you not the one missing the other):  TIME.

    You have to give it time in order to stop missing someone.  It's possible, depending on the situation.  Did they move?  Break up with you? or Die?  

    Give it time, keep yourself busy, and you eventually will be okay.

  24. Yes, if they are dead then you could think visit them (there grave) as much as you can (if there grave is with in driving distance)  and if they moved a way then you could always write them or even call them. It might not stop you from missing them but at lest you will stay in touch! Hope It Helps! :)  

  25. Step 1:

    Give yourself time. You can't force yourself to stop missing someone overnight. If you were very close to the person, it may take some time to get over.

    Step 2:

    Keep busy. When you're distracted, you're less likely to spend a lot of time missing your old friend. Take up a new hobby or throw yourself into school and work projects.

    Step 3:

    Make new friends. You may not be able replace the old friend, but new friends can help you start anew.

    Step 4:

    Go out on plenty of dates. If you miss an ex, you'll have an easier time getting over it if you throw yourself into the dating game. You don't have to rush into a relationship, but it can provide enough distraction until you stop missing the person.

    Step 5:

    Focus on his bad qualities. If a friendship or relationship ended badly, you can get over missing someone by focusing on his faults.

    Tips & Warnings

    Most people start feeling sad about missing someone right before they go to bed. Avoid this situation by getting into bed only when you're really tired and ready to fall asleep.

    You may have a harder time getting over missing someone if she passed away. Speak to a grief counselor and rely on the support of your friends and family to get over your loss.


  27. It always depends on the case. if it was a death it takes time but if it's a break up, in my OPINION you'll always have a feeling for them which makes you miss them at first but over time you'll meet someone and you won't miss them. Try hanging with friends or doing something productive to keep your mind off of them.

  28. you can't stop, but you can move on!!

  29. I have the same problem every single day.

    When you're having fun, you don't seem to miss that person.

    Do things that make you get away from that.

    Go out to different and new places.

    Don't go to places where you once went with that person.

    Keep yourself away from what reminds you of that person.

  30. You cannot stop missing someone, it's true because no matter what you do, that person seems to be living in your mind. I cannot tell you how you can stop, but maybe start realizing that he/she isn't that far away because they are in your heart.

  31. The key is not to stop yourself but to distract yourself. Keep busy. In time it will pass.

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